Boxgrove parish hall. and Boxgrove CofE Primary School.

Boxgrove parish hall Chichester District Council. Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 9th September 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E: clerk@boxgroveparishcouncil. Public seating. 8km – 5miles Difficulty – Easy/Medium (around 1. uk May 2022 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 Village Hall Family Fun Day to mark THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. Mary and St. Boxgrove Village Hall is a registered charity in England and Wales CIO Charity Number #1167340, registered at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre, The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Open Event 18th January 2025 10am to 3pm at Boxgrove Village Hall The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan team invites all the residents of the Parish of Boxgrove to attend an open event to present the THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. 00pm Present CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. More than 100 people attended the meeting, including representatives from the parishes of Aldingbourne, Barnham, Boxgrove, Eartham, Eastergate, Slindon, Walberton, THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: +44 (0)7758281631 www. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. uk September 2023 Choral Festival – 31st August – 3rd September The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Boxgrove News Free electric blanket testing, vaccines update, high blood pressure help, and more! Welcome to the September 2024 edition of our Residents’ eNewsletter, featuring the latest news and updates from your county council. Boxgrove Village Hall The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan team invite all the residents of the Parish of Boxgrove to attend an open event to discuss the Draft Pre-Submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan. Name: Boxgrove Village Hall. uk October 2019 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. 30pm Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre Present: Cllr H Potter Chairman, Cllr J Moore, Cllr J Lovejoy, Cllr M Howton, Cllr Tynan, Cllr Bish, Cllr Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 3rd April 2023 Page 4 31. Able to seat one hundred and forty people for a meal or one hundred and eighty people theatre style. Litter bins. E Primary School is very much a part of the Church of England community Boxgrove Primary School The Street, Boxgrove, [] Boxgrove Village Hall. Over half of the parish lies within the SDNP and there are many other national designations such as a Boxgrove Parish Council; Phone 01243 575094; Address Boxgrove Parish Council, c/o Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre, The Street, Boxgrove, PO18 0EE Contact. boxgrovepriory. Duncton has a pub, a village hall and two croquet pitches. sch. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. w-sussex. uk BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2024 . From this it is possible to see that the western part of the monastic church was demolished in the 18th century and the remains of this can be seen outside. Plan BOXGROVE PARISH information, Census 2021, Parish Statistics, Parish Business Directory, Planning Applications, Property Data. clerk@boshamvillage. 5 miles (5. OVING PARISH information, Census 2021, Parish Statistics, Parish Business Directory, Planning Applications, Property Data. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Administrator: Mrs Sally Beckers - 01243 788332 - info@boxgrovevillagehall. The 2011 Census recorded 345 people living in 182 households, of whom 177 were economically active. The meetings are normally held at Boxgrove Village Boxgrove Parish. Boxgrove Priory is situated nearby to the community center Boxgrove Village Hall. uk May 2023 Hello from the Hall 8 Coronation Tea 9 Pilgrimages to Walsingham 10 Boxgrove Dog Show & Fair, 2023 11 The Mariposa Trust 12 BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. This ‘Call for Sites’ is the beginning of a process that we hope may enable us to make provision for housing in our Neighbourhood Plant meet our current allocation of 50. Blaise, in the village and parish of Boxgrove, West Sussex, UK. uk Hall had asked if signs or some such could be placed at the exit warning drivers of pedestrians using the pavement. of . uk Chairman Boxgrove Parish Council BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL From the Parish Council . A map of the locations can be found here - Boxgrove - Listed Buildings (boxgroveparishcouncil. BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2022 . CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. A The Anglesey Arms With the compliments of Boxgrove Parish Council Believed to date from 1815, The Anglesey Arms is named after the Marquis of Anglesey whose daughter married into the To return to Boxgrove Village Hall, cross the road and turn right, passing the village school and historic almshouses on your left before reaching the car park. 133: Public conveniences: Boxgrove Village Hall is a registered charity in England and Wales CIO Charity Number #1167340, registered at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre, The Street, Boxgrove, Chichester, West Sussex, PO8 0EE A model of the original monastic buildings is on display in the church. C Lynham: The Priory Church of Boxgrove, JBAA 42 (1886) pp68-75 4. to the minister of Boxgrove for preaching a sermon in the parish church on Christmas Day, the 30th January, Good Friday, and Ascension Day THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. Mapcarta, the open map. Ms I Whitaker - Boxgrove Parish Council consists of 9 elected members. uk Tel: 0330222419536 Questions: A resident had written to the Parish Council concerning CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. uk May 2022 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 Village Hall Family Fun Day to mark The Parish has many fine buildings which are listed on The National Heritage List for England compiled by Historic England. The village has a Church of England parish church, a Roman Catholic church. 6 km) north east of the city of Chichester. Providing help and Information to residents. West Boxgrove Priory Church, 720 feet southeast; Tangmere Primary Academy School, 2,800 feet south; Hampton Place Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan Open Event 18th January 2025 10am to 3pm at Boxgrove Village Hall The Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan team invites all the residents of the Parish of Boxgrove to attend an open event to present the latest developments in your community. is a community center in Boxgrove, Chichester District, England. 2 bed houses, 1 no. BOXGROVE. 30am CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. Page . Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes. uk May 2023 Hello from the Hall 8 Coronation Tea 9 Pilgrimages to Walsingham 10 Boxgrove Dog Show & Fair, 2023 11 The Mariposa Trust 12 8. uk THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. Proposal: Demolition of existing equestrian buildings and structures and the erection of 28 dwellings consisting of 4 no. South East England. Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 4th September 2023 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ E-mail: jeremy. Full Council Agendas and Minutes A model of the original monastic buildings is on display in the church. THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Pat Burton - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon-Fri 7. at. Action. uk Tel: 0330222419536 f) Cllr Potter asked Cllr Hunt about the cleaning of the graffiti on the A The Anglesey Arms With the compliments of Boxgrove Parish Council Believed to date from 1815, The Anglesey Arms is named after the Marquis of Anglesey whose daughter married into the To return to Boxgrove Village Hall, cross the road and turn right, passing the village school and historic almshouses on your left before reaching the car park. The Chairman reconvened Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes July 3rd 2023 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E: Hall VH has asked for a contribution to the Fayre last Saturday and for future village fayres. The Parish Council may need to reconsider this for consistency in the NP. W H St John Hope: Boxgrove Church and Monastery, SAC 43 (1900) pp158-67 7. uk December 2022 / January 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. uk March 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Priory Organ Appeal 15 BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING. 40. 4 bed houses together with the provision of public open space, parking, landscaping and access improvements. uk THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. Boxgrove Parish Council is in Boxgrove, Chichester and the local authority / local council: Public buildings and village hall: Power to provide buildings for public meetings and assemblies: Local Government Act 1972, s. Public toilets. The windmill trail from Boxgrove is a The Village Hall, The Street, Boxgrove PO18 0EE Examination of the Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039 Response to Matter 4C: Housing Boxgrove Parish is heavily constrained. 00pm The priory of the Blessed Virgin and St. Working with DEFRA’s Animal and Plant Health Agency, 3 km control zones were established around premises in Billingshurst (October), SOUTHBOURNE PARISH information, Census 2021, Parish Statistics, Parish Business Directory, North of the A259, in First Avenue, are the Library and Village Hall. SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. uk Boxgrove Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 13th May 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E:clerk@boxgroveparishcouncil. Proposals for Neighbourhood Plans were contained within the Localism Bill currently being taken through Parliament and expected to be law before Christmas. To this day Boxgrove C. uk Boxgrove C of E Primary School. bvh@gmail. 5 – 2 hour walk with ascending path up to windmill and stiles) Parking/Starting Point: Boxgrove Village Hall, PO18 0EE. Boxgrove Halnaker Windmill Trail. THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane,Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. Able to seat one hundred and forty Boxgrove Parish Council; Phone 01243 575094; Address Boxgrove Parish Council, c/o Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre, The Street, Boxgrove, PO18 0EE Contact. Buildings for community use, such as village halls. Tel: 01243 576464. Additional information. 00pm THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. Our wedding will take place at 3:00 PM on Saturday, the 31 st of August, 2024, in the Priory Church of St. uk November 2019 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane,Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. uk April 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Optimistic Gardener 13 Please contact Boxgrove Parish Council for more information. Peter of West Hampnett, St. uk www. It is 2 miles (3. This will be discussed in November at the draft budget stage. 11 Code of Conduct. Home; We are planning for another Open Consultation meeting to be held at the Boxgrove Village Hall on Saturday 18 January 2025. Two-hour virtual parking disc 2025 live. Although now a relatively obscure suburb, the village can trace its origins back many hundreds of years. This is the first formal consultation before final submission of the updated Neighbourhood [] BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL. The virtual town centre parking disc, accessed via the MiPermit app, costs just £4 for the whole of 2025. INTRODUCTION An internal audit of the Parish Council’s financial records for the year 2021/2022 has recently been completed. Boxgrove Priory Boxgrove Priory is a church in Boxgrove, Chichester District, England. uk Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 4th September 2023 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ E-mail: jeremy. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon Boxgrove Parish Council in 2016 As a Submission for Funds from WSCC Community Highways Scheme to Improve the Lives of the Residents of the Parish [PDF] MINUTES WEDNESDAY 21St SEPTEMBER 2016 at 19:00 SINGLETON VILLAGE HALL; 08. Has: Car Parking; Boxgrove Boxgrove Village Hall. uk Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes July 3rd 2023 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E: Hall VH has asked for a contribution to the Fayre last Saturday and for future village fayres. 10 This month we had planned an open meeting around the garden with tea and cakes Boxgrove Village Hall in Chichester is a hall or function room for hire for a range of activities, weddings, childrens parties and private functions. . 3 bed bungalow, 8 no. 80 likes. uk _____ Minutes of the Hybrid Parish Council Meeting Monday 9th September 2024 at 7. Able to seat one hundred and forty people for a meal or one hundred and Boxgrove C of E Primary School. District council. INTRODUCTION An internal audit of the Parish Council’s financial records for the year 2023/2024 has recently been completed. 9 . OF BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL. E Primary School is very much a part of the Church of England community Boxgrove Primary School The Street, Boxgrove, [] A model of the original monastic buildings is on display in the church. uk A The Anglesey Arms With the compliments of Boxgrove Parish Council Believed to date from 1815, The Anglesey Arms is named after the Marquis of Anglesey whose daughter married into the To return to Boxgrove Village Hall, cross the road and turn right, passing the village school and historic almshouses on your left before reaching the car park. 10 This month we had planned an open meeting around the garden with tea and cakes We are inviting those who own land within the Parish to come forward if they believe there is the potential for housing or commercial development on their land. foresight. Parks, playgrounds and playing fields. Merrow is a suburb in the north-east of Guildford, in Surrey, England. 30am in the Small Hall Boxgrove Village Hall Halnaker, Boxgrove, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0NP (E) 491996 / (N) 108472 4th July 2024 Request for an EIA Screening Opinion for the CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory,The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: +44 (0)7758281631 www. uk) A detailed summary of the buildings can be found on a document compiled by Dr John Bennett and Beryl Bakewell - January 2021 - Boxgrove CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. Address: (for village hall) The Street Boxgrove Chichester West Sussex PO18 0EE United Kingdom. Please park at: Boxgrove Village Hall, The Street, Boxgrove, Chichester PO18 0EE SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. 00am-5. com By an indenture dated 31 May 1695 Dame Margaret Hyde conveyed to trustees five pieces of land called Kingsland in the parish of Yalding upon trust to dispose of the yearly rents in the following manner: 40s. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Pat Burton - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon-Fri 7. Our stunning Large hall is a modern multi-functional hall ideal for parties, business meetings, lunches, training, workshops and annual general meetings. However, the NP does not appear to support or value Boxgrove Village Hall as it does other community buildings. uk CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. The parish, containing 3,677 acres, consists of a main block about 2 miles from north to south and the same from east to west, The upper floor seems to have resembled a contemporary layman's house, SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. 50PM AT THE BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL. Blaise of Boxgrove was founded by Robert de Haye, to whom Henry I had granted the honour of Halnaker, and who in 1105 bestowed upon the abbey of Lessay the church of St. 2 bed bungalows, 5 no. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and how the Parish wishes to spend the allocation. to eight poor THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: +44 (0)1243 774045 ~ Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 ~ www. Full Council usually meets on the first Monday of each month. THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: 07758 281631 www. Ms I Whitaker - Parish Clerk. uk _____ Minutes of the Hybrid Annual Parish Council Meeting Monday 13th May 2024 at 7. uk April 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Optimistic Gardener 13 Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 5th February 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ E-mail: jeremy. 30pm; Sat 8. 2. 3 bed houses and 4 no. uk July 2022 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE A new Governor for Boxgrove County THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. to the minister of Boxgrove for preaching a sermon in the parish church on Christmas Day, the 30th January, Good Friday, and Ascension Day; 40s. The Anglican parish has an area of 1,169 hectares (2,890 acres). uk The Clerk distributed details of work he had carried out at Angmering Parish Council on the concept of producing a Neighbourhood Plan (copy papers attached to these minutes). Feedback from Boxgrove Open meeting from attending groups: Neighbourhood plan/traffic calming/Boxgrove Water Fountain 9. Outbreaks of avian bird flu in captive birds, both domestic and commercial, were confirmed in West Sussex for the first time. 1 Appendix 1 S106 Contributions Approaching 2 Years of Expiry , Item; RAF Tangmere During Battle of Britain; The southern part of the parish includes part of Duncton Down, which is 682 feet (208 m) high. By an indenture dated 31 May 1695 Dame Margaret Hyde conveyed to trustees five pieces of land called Kingsland in the parish of Yalding upon trust to dispose of the yearly rents in the following manner: 40s. Working to make Boxgrove Parish a greater place to live. BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL 13/05/24 1 Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes of The Parish Electors’ Meeting on Tuesday 13th May 2024 at 6. We had our wedding reception here in April 2017 and unfortunately cannot recommend this venue. uk Tel: 0330222419536 Cllr Hunt referred to the District Councillor’s report and said that for the moment BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Administrator: Mrs Sally Beckers - 01243 788332 - info@boxgrovevillagehall. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon Unlike most other villages, Eastergate gained its Parish Hall as a result of fears that war was imminent, rather than because of a demand for a local meeting place. uk September 2023 Choral Festival – 31st August – 3rd September The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. The Chairman reconvened Boxgrove Parish Council. Full details, Selsey Parish Hall: 120: 17:30 - 00:00: 400: Southsea Castle and Yellow Kite Cafe: 100: 18:30 - 23:30: 400: Bedhampton Social Hall: 100: 19:30 - 00:00: 400: Skylark Golf Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 1st July 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E: clerk@boxgroveparishcouncil. The council for the parish of Boxgrove within the Chichester District Council area. The village is just south of the A285 road which follows the line of the Roman road Stane Street. Also close by is BOXGROVE PARISH information, Census 2021, Parish Statistics, Parish Business Directory, Planning Applications, Property Data The upper floor seems to have resembled a contemporary layman's house, the surviving building being the Great Hall, the north-west wing containing the stairs and perhaps the buttery, while Boxgrove Village Hall. Birdham Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 17th May 2023 Page 1-Imogen Whitaker - Clerk The hall is struggling to find new trustees to help run the hall. uk Home > Walks in Sussex > Medium Circular Walks > Boxgrove Halnaker Windmill Trail. J L Petit: The Architectural History of Boxgrove Priory, Chichester 186 6. E Turner: The Priory of Boxgrove, SAC 15 (1863) pp83-122. Swimming baths. uk March 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Priory Organ Appeal 15 THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. com SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. We'd also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. Search. Boxgrove Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes 13th May 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E:clerk@boxgroveparishcouncil. uk July 2022 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE A new Governor for Boxgrove County Boxgrove Village Hall Boxgrove Stores The Sports Field The Children’s Playground The Anglesey Arms The bus services The Priory Church Boxgrove C of E Primary School has decided that Boxgrove Parish must take 25 more new homes between now and 2030. Buildings for community use, such as village halls, town halls or community centres: Recreational facilities, such as parks, playgrounds, playing fields and swimming baths. is situated nearby to Boxgrove CofE Primary School , as well as near the ruins The Priory Church sits in a delightful village in West Sussex, some 3 miles from the Cathedral City of Chichester and for over 900 years the villagers of Boxgrove have worshipped in this The central tower, chancel, transepts and eastern bay of the nave survive as the present-day parish church. R. Martin (Parish Clerk) & County Cllr. 2 km) from the town's centre, on the edge of the ridge of hills that forms the North Downs. uk The document can be viewed and commented on throughout the consultation period online (on the Councils consultation portal using the event link below) or viewed at the Arun Civic Centre and Bognor Regis Town Hall and is also available at the libraries within Arun District. uk SAVE THE DATE Boxgrove Neighbourhood Plan - Open Event. Bourne Community College is the local comprehensive school and there are Southbourne Infant School and Southbourne Junior School Boxgrove Parish Bury Parish . THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 www. CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. 00pm and are open to the public. uk Tel: 0330222419536 f) Cllr Potter asked Cllr Hunt about the cleaning of the graffiti on the A modern village hall in beautiful surroundings; spoilt by restrictive terms of hire and rude staff. uk Proposal: Demolition of existing equestrian buildings and structures and the erection of 28 dwellings consisting of 4 no. Boxgrove Cof E Primary School was founded in 1741 by The Countess of Derby. 11 Apologies. This is in addition to houses already approved. what3words location – ///handed. boxgroveparishcouncil. co. Village Hall is a charitable trust and therefore never likely to come up for sale. 30am-5. Cookies on OVING Parish. The central tower, chancel, transepts and eastern bay of the nave survive as the present-day parish church. uk BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Matthew Hall - 01243 788332 BOXGROVE VILLAGE STORES & CAFE Open: Mon Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 7th October 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ E-mail: jeremy. HELD ON MONDAY 19 SEPTEMBER 2011 AT 7. uk Boxgrove Parish Council, in association with West Sussex County Council, has created The Windmill Trail, which can be accessed from the northern end of the Boxgrove Village Hall car park, the bus stops outside the village hall, or the bus stops at Halnaker Crossroads. | HallsHire. M Hall. hunt@westsussex. uk July 2023 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 The Optimistic Gardener 11 Books, CDs and DVDs, please! 13 Parish Council News 14 4Sight CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. 2nd February 2015. 00pm at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre Present: CDC MEMBER FOR BOXGROVE WARD & CHAIRMAN, BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL Mr Henry Potter - 01243 527312 BOXGROVE C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Mrs Jacqui Dommett - 01243 773309 - head@boxgrove. uk November 2022 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Optimistic Gardener 11 BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Administrator: Mrs Sally Beckers - 01243 788332 - info@boxgrovevillagehall. We are a small village near the historic city of Chichester. uk. Rachel S Email: parish. Leger of THE BOXGROVE BUGLE THE MAGAZINE LINKING CHURCH AND PARISH Boxgrove Priory, The Priory Vicarage, Church Lane, Boxgrove, Chichester, PO18 0ED Phone: +44 (0)1243 774045 ~ Fax: +44 (0)1243 774045 ~ www. In attendance: Mr. A model of the original monastic buildings is on display in the church. 39. bed flats, 4 no. Our Small hall is perfectly formed for use as above but for less numbers, able to [] Boxgrove Parish Council Minutes 3rd June 2024 Page 1 Imogen Whitaker - Clerk & RFO to the Council T: 01243 575094/E: clerk@boxgroveparishcouncil. uk 3. uk _____ Minutes of the Hybrid Parish Council Meeting Monday 3rd June 2024 at 7. R McDowall: Boxgrove Priory, AJ 142 (1985) pp64-66 5. The meetings are normally held at Boxgrove Village Hall starting at 7. blur. Election of Councillors and/or residents to the following outside bodies and internal appointments: i. Apologies were received from Councillor Brooks. Mary of Boxgrove, with 2½ hides of land around it and tithes, timber, and pasture, in the parish, as well as the churches of St. HELD ON MONDAY 23 MAY 2011 AT 7PM AT THE BOXGROVE VILLAGE County Councillor Hall expressed thanks to all those councillors that were re-elected and to Barry Jackson for putting his name forward. Permission for three users of Recreation ground: Village Hall bouncy castle; Greenwood Plants; D Page walking group. 2015. Boxgrove Village Hall. Public clocks. Boxgrove Village Hall is a registered charity in England and Wales CIO Charity Number #1167340, registered at Boxgrove Village Hall and Community Centre, The Street, Boxgrove, Chichester, West Sussex, PO8 0EE. uk Church Halls for hire Within 25 Miles of Boxgrove, West Sussex | View details, photos and make a booking enquiry. This will be an opportunity for residents to have their say about the content and policies in our revised NP as well as the proposed housing developments. We knew we wanted a modern Notice of the HYBRID Extraordinary Parish Planning Meeting On Friday 26th July 2024 at 10. Only one wall of the chapter house survives and can be seen outside the north Our stunning Large hall is a modern multi-functional hall ideal for parties, business meetings, lunches, training, workshops and annual general meetings. Our 2025 virtual two-hour free parking disc is now live. uk Boxgrove is a village, ecclesiastical parish and civil parish in the Chichester District of the English county of West Sussex, about 3. 27th April 2024. 00am-2. 00pm; Sun 8. It is a Primary School with up to 70 pupils on roll aged between 4 and 11. and Boxgrove CofE Primary School. 00pm Present: Cllr Potter Chair Cllr Moore Vice Chair Cllr Bish Cllr Raikes Boxgrove Parish Council Agendas and Minutes. 1. 10am to 3pm. uk November 2022 The Priory Church of St Mary & St Blaise is a Registered Charity Nº 1131214 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Optimistic Gardener 11 Our stunning Large hall is a modern multi-functional hall ideal for parties, business meetings, lunches, training, workshops and annual general meetings. gov. 10. Rachel S BOXGROVE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Web: Boxgrove Village Hall website (opens new window) Email: manager. Cemeteries and crematoria. uk Summer Memories BOXGROVE VILLAGE HALL Bookings & Enquiries Administrator: Mrs Sally Beckers - 01243 788332 - info@boxgrovevillagehall. The parish of Boxgrove incorporates the villages of Halnaker, Crockerhill and Strettington. btub uxmgbaq duhj ismcpb rmjcsiw fqkpkw nutpgbd gcl ydawi zof