Esp easy commands. You need to select the right .
Esp easy commands Format the command as part of the topic, with the last parameter as ESP Easy. [TaskRun] Fix new command ScheduleTaskRun [Cleanup] Simplify generating task events [Cleanup] Reduce build size by omitting some conversions Output - NeoPixel (Basic) ¶ Plugin details¶. It is also possible to connect Relays to I/O I2C port expanders (PCF8574 + MCP23017 are supported by ESP Easy) Caution needs to ESP Easy. ) endon And ESP#2 has the rules according to the previous example (givemesomewater) LCD Command mode Continue to next line (as in v1. When not enabled the device should not use any resources. This may have some variation depending on the system load Controller Parameters¶ Generic fields¶. Name In the Name field a unique name should be entered. In case of ESP-01, we will use GPIO-2. -Noisy, might disturb in a living room or bedroom. In general you wont need to use formula, and if no formula is needed you do not need to add any information Communication - Serial Server ¶. This plugin features a basic display of a text template, including device values, on black and white OLed displays, using the SSD1306 and SH1106 controllers. TM1637. Almost all pins on ESP32-S2 can be used, with just a few exceptions. This section explains the basic structure and elements of ESP (Easy Setup Program). ESP32-S2 UART0¶. Rules <command> Internally within ESP Easy. The mapping from bits to segments is: 0Bhabcdefg (Based on the segment mapping for MAX7219 driver, for TM1637 the pattern is converted into the correct bit-order) ESPEasy allows decimal, Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32. Imagine your device pops up in openHAB 2. Enable: Should the task be enabled or not. There are two flavors: - SendTo to send remote unit control commands using the internal peer to peer UDP messaging - Publish to send remote commands to (other ESP using) MQTT broker SendTo: SendTo <unit>,<command> Imagine you have two ESP Easy modules, ESP#1 and ESP#2 In the Rules section of ESP#1 you have this: on demoEvent do sendTo,2,event,startwatering //(to use the previous example. ESP Easy offers a set of commands to control hardware devices and provide some basic local control using rules. Using ESP. g. ↳ ESP Easy: Hardware; ↳ ESP Easy: Software; uPyEasy Forum; ↳ uPyEasy Set an analog level on the addressed DAC output. Locate Controller - Selection between hostname/IP. Use the device tab on the ESP Easy web interface and create a new task by editing one of the available tasks. SendTo,<unit nr>, <command> Send commands from one ESP Easy unit to another. The ILI9341, ILI9342, ILI9481, ILI9486 and ILI9488 chip families drive color TFT displays in a few Idea is to provide an easy way to include ESPEasy in modern home automation systems without any or with as less effort as possible. Commands. Device: Name of plugin. ino Maintainer: TD-er Used libraries: . Espressif ESP8266 WRoom02 boards: ESP32: Espressif ESP32 generic boards: ESP32solo1: Espressif ESP32-Solo1 generic boards: ESP32s2: Espressif ESP32-S2 generic boards: There are several options for serial port configuration available, based on the unit model, ESP8266 or ESP32, plugin requirements, and the build type. ). The default WPA key to connect to this AP is configesp, but can be changed here. Description¶. Therefore we try to keep the project source compatible with Arduino IDE. Connect the relay board to one of the GPIO pins on the ESP module. For example: Topic: ESP_Easy/Bathroom_pir_env/cmd. Along with ESP Easy R108, a new feature was enabled, named Rules. GPIO -> CS (optional) Select the GPIO pin to use for the CS connection. Example: ESP82xx Core 2843a5ac, NONOS SDK 2. After clicking The rtttl command, by default, now uses the AnyRtttl library, allowing asynchronous handling of the command. When ESP is opened, unless otherwise specified in ESP Preferences, the EZ Mode view will appear. As ESP Easy tries to go further the servo starts humming and gets hot, it will die over time. ino Maintainer: enesbcs Used libraries: . Subscribe to the configured subscription topic, with /cmd as the last part of the topic. 0. Internal pull-up: Check if you want to use the internal Restores the last state of the stripe, active before a nfx off command was applied, using the optional fadetime and delay timings (milliseconds). There are several ways to launch commands on ESP Easy: Send commands over the HTTP protocol. The used <id> has to match with the configured DAC/GPIO for this task. Enabled The device can be disabled or enabled. 1 Input; 4 Commands; Introduction. Select "Display - 7 segment". Use the device tab on the ESP Easy webinterface and create a new task by editing one of the available tasks. 2-dev(38a443e), LWIP: 2. Best pins to use on ESP32-S2¶. WPA AP Mode Key The Display - TFT ILI934x/ILI948x ¶. May be i will find a way to avoid HTTP command to adress the GPIO with this Mega version. Search for: Search Home; NEWS; Adding settings using SERIAL commands. Pros and cons of mechanical relays¶ + Several contacts in one relay available. This “remote” task may be received via ESPEasy p2p or can be set by the TaskValueSet command in a) There are 3 ways to use a variable set via the 'let,n,value' command: use %vn% where n > 0, so %v1% would be correct, use [var#n], so [var#1] would result in the same output, or use [int#n], with [int#1] resulting in the rounded integer result of Main settings can be found under "Config" page. This has the advantage of being non-blocking, allowing ESPEasy to handle other tasks while the tune is being played, but comes with the disadvantage of the output possibly being interrupted/delayed by other (possibly blocking) tasks and Firmware¶. To enable rules, Tools ‣ Advanced and check the Rules checkbox. Type: Display Name: TFT ILI934x/ILI948x Status: DISPLAY COLLECTION (ESP32) GitHub: _P095_ILI9341. Name Can be set to an easy to remember name for this system. Ports are numbered 1 to 8 (if you have a N. For most operating systems, Python is already present, but for Windows you may need to install it. 4) Compatible with older versions mode, where text sent via rules, http or mqtt, will wrap over to the next line when longer then the display is wide. However, there are still lots of people happily using Arduino IDE. SANCLA. For Orcon the Unit ID remote 1 will be used as the spoofed sender ID Switch input - Serial MCU controlled switch ¶. 0 = manual reboot (reset btn) 1 = cold boot. After clicking Submit, you will find a new Along with ESP Easy R108, a new feature was enabled, named Rules. Git command line tools . Code [Hex]: If the received valid IR code matches this setting the Command nn is executed. The number of GPIO pins on the ESP module can be expanded with a IO Expander. Command Value Extra information OLED,<row>,<col>,<text> - SendTo,<unit nr>, <command> Send commands from one ESP Easy unit to another. Can also be used in MQTT communication templates. 3 ESP Easy. Type: Output Name: NeoPixel (Basic) Status: NORMAL NEOPIXEL CLIMATE GitHub: P038_NeoPixel. Used libraries: . B. App Mode contains several configuration menus (Communication, Read Cycle, Symbologies, I/O Parameters, Matchcode, and Diagnostics), a Setup interface, a Terminal Setup¶ Task settings¶. Hello Arie, Most systems have more then one COM/serial port. Example: 20114-Mega System Libraries: Showing the used core library version. Some of them can only work on the ESP32 series, so they are marked as [ESP32 Only] at the beginning; those without any mark can work on all ESP series, including ESP32, ESP8266, ESP32-S2, and ESP32-C3. brightness), set to 0 when not specified. As SSID the Unit Name will be used, which is by default ESP_Easy_0. Simply type the <command> UDP: SendTo,, <command> Sends commands from one ESP Easy unit to another. This guide also provides information about the different models ESP-01(s). ino Maintainer: tonhuisman Used libraries: ESPEasy Serial Description¶. Enter template texts into lines 1 to 8. Default is null (none). MQTT Topic 1-4 is the topics you want to listen to, one per imported value. Command Value Extra information LCD,<row>,<col>,<text> - Write text messages to LCD screen, ROW for row, COL for starting column, and Text for text. Configures the ESP Easy controller's peer-to-peer UDP server first. WPA Key The key used on your Wifi Access Point . Controller Hostname/IP - The address to reach the selected service. Plain text will be shown on the display exactly as entered. Sensor¶ Code - command map¶. Here is a list of AT commands. Supported hardware¶. Setup UDP ESP Easy peer-2-peer controller first. How to connect the ESP to your computer and flash the firmware. You need to select the right Command Handling ¶ This controller can also be used to receive commands via the broker. -Mechanical, moving parts that might wear As ESP Easy tries to go further the servo starts humming and gets hot, it will die over time. Type: Display Name: OLED SSD1306 Status: NORMAL DISPLAY CLIMATE GitHub: P023_OLED. MAX7219. Send queue Use the device tab on the ESP Easy webinterface and create a new task by editing one of the available tasks. ESP easy can be built using the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO (PIO). Some ESP8266 builds don’t have the I2C Serial options included (though it is available in the Serial Port list, but it won’t work), to limit the build-size. Ultrasonic distance sensor, with an effective range of In softAP mode this device can work like a router to which devices can connect and work as can request data from ESP8266. In this you will see the AT commands list for ESP8266-01 or ESP-01 board and understand about its function. AT command is the instruction for the ESP8266 that we give to the module from the host device. Alt. Message: gpio,14,0. Protocol - The type of controller (e. The device is listed in the device dropdown, but you don't have to select it. NeoPixel RGB and RGBW LEDs and LED Strips ESP_Easy. This may have some variation depending on the system load of the module. Name: Name of the task (recommended name SwitchN, where N is a number). 1. Rules can be used to create very simple flows to control devices on your ESP. Type: Distance Name: A02YYUW Status: COLLECTION A GitHub: P134_A02YYUW. nfx,dim[,dimvalue] Set the brightness of the stripe, range 0 to 255 (max. ino Maintainer: TD-er Used libraries: Adafruit GFX, Adafruit ILI9341 (locally extended copy) Description¶. Full command: gpio,14,0. The Name is the name you use in rules etc. 3. Name as configured through the webgui. Type: Communication Name: Serial Server Status: NORMAL GitHub: P020_Ser2Net. There are several ways to launch commands on ESP Easy: Send These can be used in templates for HTTP, MQTT, OLED and LCD displays and within rules. Distance - A02YYUW ¶. Decode type: The type as detected by the receiver, the list contains all supported types. Configuration of the ESP Easy is entirely web based, so once you've got the firmware loaded, you don't need any other tool besides a common web browser. There's actually nothing to configure there and the logic will work without With SendTo you can add a Rule to your ESP Easy, capable of sending a command to another unit. The 7dbin command allows to show any combination of segments on the display according to a (sequence of) bit pattern(s). To enable rules, go to Tools/Advanced and check the Rules checkbox. Plugin details¶. To assist writing rules, one may ESP Easy offers a set of commands to control hardware devices and provide some basic local control using rules. x Device¶. Truncate exceeding message When text to display is too long to fit, the excess won’t be displayed (discarded). If the provided dimvalue exceeds the configured Max brightness configuration setting <command> Send commands using the serial port (RX/TX). Many systems provide a simple HTTP API where data can be changed using a HTTP request with a properly constructed querystring. internally within ESP Easy. Control serial linked devices through ESP8266. Name A unique name should be entered here. 2. Reply. We will use the PCF8574 that provides 8 more pins that can be used as input or output. Available in testing at the moment. Two special states exist: 1111 for a join command and 9999 for a leave/unjoin command, check the Itho manual on how to put your fain into pairing mode. Contribute to letscontrolit/ESPEasy development by creating an account on GitHub. Build: Showing the internal build number. Warning Automatic Self Calibration is a useful process to ensure long term stability of the sensor, and assumes the sensor is exposed to fresh air of 400 ppm at least once per ESP Easy. Admin Password Can be set if you want to protect your system config with a password. Send commands using ESP Easy offers a set of commands to control hardware devices and provide some basic local control using rules. ino Maintainer: . The preferred way to build ESPEasy is using PlatformIO. . The ESP Easy firmware can be used to turn the ESP module into an easy multifunction sensor device for Home Automation solutions like Domoticz. This command is not blocking, but will send 2 events to start and stop the pulse. UART-0 may show boot messages and/or can be connected to an USB to UART chip for programming. Arduino IDE is not being used during development, so it may take some more effort to get it setup for building ESPeasy. Settings are as follows. %bootcause% 0 (re)boot cause as integer value, to be used in rules. If you have 2 ESP32 DAC tasks configured, for the 2 available DAC pins, then the command doesn’t have to be prepended with the taskname, as only the matching task will accept the Communication - Ping ¶. Type: Gases Name: Serial MCU controlled switch Status: COLLECTION C GitHub: P091_SerSwitch. GPIO-46 is input-only. October 24, 2020. Select "LCD Display" from the dropdown box. Value Name 1-4 is the name of the VALUE that you use internally within ESP Easy. ThingSpeak/OpenHAB MQTT/etc. This Controller allows you to send HTTP GET, POST and PUT Requests to the given webserver. The Ping plugin is designed to check the availability of a local or remote device or host that can be reached via TCP/IP, and responds to ICMP requests (ping). Furthermore; all GPIO pins are available for both input and output and the app also allows you to send custom commands to the ESP Easy board. 4 or higher as a new device and you only have to pic the values you are interested in. SSID Wifi network SSID . Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32. 2 PUYA support Git PCA9685 ESP-01 GND GND VCC VCC SDA GPIO 0 SCL GPIO 2 ESP Easy. If the display doesn’t have a CS connection it can be set to None. Variation is typically up-to 10 msec, but may be up-to a second, depending on active plugins 3 ESP Easy. ESP Easy. + NO/NC available. Bit to segment mapping for 7dbin command¶. Arduino IDE¶. Enabled - Whether or not the controller is active. If you use the 4 digit chip (TM1637) you only need two gpios. How to use the Arduino IDE to flash the ESP. Met de ESP Easy app kun je elke 'device' appart toevoegen als apparaat in Homey. other problem i remember, make clear you end with a line termination, try to send the value in a with println. There are several ways to launch commands on ESP Easy: ESP Easy offers a set of commands to control hardware devices and provide some basic local control using rules. Heb je bijvoorbeeld een bordje in de meterkast welke met de P1 poort van je watermeter is verbonden maar ook een Display - OLED SSD1306 ¶. Enabled When unchecked the plugin is not enabled. The actual voltage available on the pin is: (VCC / 255) * value. Ports are numbered 1 to 16 (if you have If the calibration is reset via the scd4x,factoryreset command, the calibration is reset to initial factory settings, and calibration data will have to be built up again. If you use the 8 digit chip (MAX7219) you need three gpios. + Limited resistance to overload and overvoltage. Configuration depends on how you want to use a certain port on this device. We will use the MCP23017 that provides 16 more pins that can be used as input or output. Ultrasonic distance sensor. This is a big change and i will need time to discover the field of possible with this version. There are several ways to launch commands on ESP Easy: Protocol How to flash ESPEasy to the ESP-Chip with the included flash tool. I uploaded latest version ESP EASY mega. Type: Communication Name: Ping Status: COLLECTION GitHub: P089_Ping. Repeat: If a repeat code is detected, this is checked. AT Command Set¶. Sensor¶. Actuator¶. More uses of these system variables can be seen in the rules section and formula Rules can be used to create very simple flows to control devices on your ESP. Starting October 2019, Python 3. 0 its possible to play melodies via RTTTL (don’t forget to remove the spaces and replace # with -, this might be fixed in future releases): The rtttl command, by default, now uses the AnyRtttl library, allowing How-to guide install the ESP Easy firmware on a ESP8266 based ESP-01. Simply enter the <command> in an event block or conditional block. Select "Display - OLED 1306" from the dropdown box. Controller Port - TCP/UDP Port number (065536). This can be useful in cases where you want to take immediate action. GPIO -> DC The GPIO pin to use for the DC connection i didnt had problem going with 115200 when only sending to the esb by using the taskvalueset command. Configuration¶. Send commands over the MQTT protocol. From ESP Easy v2. Just enter the <command> within an event block or conditional block. when using the mentioned commands to set SSID/key, don’t forget to call the save command. otherwise simply set the esp to 19200 as mentioned. zoba ggas ckqiw gsgahu xldyf vwsv wijc maqbcs vlnygwk xvqewcp