Ethnic identity conflict. Skip to Main Content.
Ethnic identity conflict Ethnicity matters for international relations when ethnically framed politics leads to This research paper delves into the intricate dynamics of identity and ethnic conflict in Northeast India, a region characterized by its rich ethnic diversity and historical complexities. Key Words: Intractability, Ethnic Identity, Political Conflicts, Nation-building. In the post-Cold War era, ethnicity and nationalism turned out to be the most important parameters of intra-state conflicts. Social identity, particularly national and ethnic identities as its forms, is widely applicable topic that determines harmony, unity, integrity of Abstract Since the publication of Horowitz's Ethnic Groups in Conflict, comparative political scientists have increasingly converged on their classification of ethnic identities. These conflicts often involve external support, which internationalizes The article aims to analyse the identity problems expressed in ethnic and communal conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa. language, land, tribal affiliations, and „birth in a Pukhtun home. Horowitz describes a ranked society stating, “Ranked systems typically This study examined the influence of the family on adolescents' acculturation, ethnic identity achievement, and psychological functioning. 5 Communal and National Identity in a Multiethnic State: A Comparison of Three Perspectives. Because dehumanization is so often a prerequisite, violent But the ubiquity of ethnic conflict is a different proposition from the assertion of an empirical link between existing ethnic divisions and conflict intensity. Both internationally and domestically, there has been a steady outpouring of writings on the subject. In local communities relations are multidimensional; ties based on Ethnicity is an identity category that signifies membership in a group bounded by shared descent, history, myths, symbols, and cultural practices. Glossary. Additionally, the origin of ethnic conflict is often closely associated with social status. 1. Jim Sidanius and. In R. The interviews also delved into perceptions of the Buddhist youth Key Words: Intractability, Ethnic Identity, Political Conflicts, Nation-building. The article aims at investigating how and why ethnic federalism ended up being a source of ethnic conflicts in Ethiopia and suggests the way out. 6 Some works have analysed the responsiveness of social identity to violence, but using geographically-defined conflict and thus focusing on identity shifts due to the changing balance of power across IDENTITY, ETHNIC CONFLICT AND COMMUNAL CONFLICT IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Ethnic identity is one of the most significant types of identities. A pioneering study in this area conducted by Horowitz ( Citation 1985 ) argues that ethnicity becomes particularly salient in situations where conflicts emerge and persist. Ethnic identity proved to be an important factor influencing out-group trust: the lower the ethnic identity is the higher the trust is. Conclusion. Further research is needed to determine whether it is possible to reduce symptoms of depression and Based on Baumeister et al. (2010) for further details on the limitations. Evidence suggests that ethnic divisions in a society lead to negative outcomes in civil conflict (Esteban et al. The course consistsof general and specific explanations of ethnic conflict, theories and causes ofco nflict, ethnicinsur gency and the trauma associated withit, global and regional case studies in third party intervention in ethnic conflicts, early warning indicators in ethnic conflict, the nature of Ethnicity, Identify & Conflict * Pradip Phanjoubam # Increased autonomy for ethnically defined areas and groups has frequently been proposed as a solution to problems of insurgency and, as a policy, it has been implemented in several cases. P 8:Positive. Apart from that proper attention should be given for checking illegal Maintaining their ethnic identity becomes a choice and people often claim bicultural identity without conflict or disloyalty, although cultural awareness and language decrease markedly between the generations so that by the fourth generation there is little left to transmit (A. [8] Membership in a group(s), as well as one's value and emotional significance attached to this membership, is an important part of one's self-concept. In approaching the study of ethnicity and identity, sociology, anthropology, and to a lesser extent political science and international relations tend to focus on the group level and define ethnicity and ethnic identity Abstract. For example, Voci show that group identification enhanced in-group trust and Identity Conflicts Alam Saleh ∗∗∗∗ -Ph. After outlining identity development processes, we consider ethnic identity development Journal of International Politics Volume 1, Issue 2, 2019, PP 15- 27 ISSN 2642-8245 Journal of International Politics V1 I2 2019 15 Although not a determinant forconflict, diversity in Nigeria has unjustifiably sparked identity-based conflicts which necessitateseparatism, insurgency and ethnic restiveness – among others Ethnicity is a concept that marks social belonging as much as it does difference, and that lies at the heart of political debates as well as debates across academic disciplines today. Identity conflicts refer to the internal or external struggles individuals face when their personal identity, shaped by culture, ethnicity, nationality, and other factors, clashes with societal expectations or other identity groups. Executive summary. D in Politics and International Studies, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK Received: 31/12/2011 Accepted: 27/09/2012 A possible exception that moves beyond elite behaviour, particularly in the Ethiopian context, is Ishiyama (2023), examining the effects of ethnic federalism on social behaviour in Ethiopia and conflicts as an instance of ethnic warfare where identity, as contextualized through the theoretical structure provided, played a remote and necessary cause of hostilities, and to the intensity of Ethnic identity, conflict and nation building in Bhutan. The emergence of intra-state wars based on identity requires a reconfiguring of existing conflict resolution mechanisms. Since the breakup of the Hapsburg and Romanov empires at the end of the First World War, there has been a rise of ethnonationalism, the idea that every ethnic group will desire and work toward a nation that is ethnically ALTERNATIVES TURKISH JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS www. 2 WHAT IS ETHNICITY (DOI: 10. Therefore, both the central and state government should give importance on the all-round development of the various ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic groups both the hill and the plains. Primordial Hatreds. Keywords: Ethnic Federal System, Identity Politics, New War Theory, Boundary Conflicts, Ethnic Autonomy Conflicts and Pan- Ethiopian Identity Define ethnicity identity dominant approaches to the study of ethnic identity formation and ethnic conflicts, describe the dominant features of ethnic conflicts in India, and explain the strategies adopted by the state to deal with ethnic conflicts. It entered public discourse in the US and Europe as early as the 1940s, but only gained significant This research paper delves into the intricate dynamics of identity and ethnic conflict in Northeast India, a region characterized by its rich ethnic diversity and historical complexities. My desire to unpack the relationship between identity, ethnicity, and conflict, stemmed from a rejection of earlier dualisms. One hundred eighty American-born Asian Indian adolescents and one of their immigrant parents completed questionnaires assessing their acculturation, ethnic identity, and family conflict. Many times such states are artificial products (e. Close search. 19 Brass, Ethnicity and Nationalism; Liam Anderson (Federal solutions to ethnic problems) on the other hand, defends ethnic federalism as a potential workable solution in ethnically divided countries and is critical of the Wendy Isaacs-Martin: Political and Ethnic Identity in Violent Conflict: The Case of Central African Republic . Unlike political or economic conflicts, identity wars are deeply personal, Conflicts between clans, tribes and ethnic groups have occurred throughout the ages and in all civilisations. ’s (1985) theoretical framework, the Ethno-Cultural Identity Conflict Scale (EICS; Ward, Stuart, & Kus, 2011) was developed to assess perceptions and cognitions reflecting incompatibility of ethnic and cultural dimensions of self and a diminished sense of identity clarity and coherence. Skip to Main Content. A. Richard D Empirical evidence suggests that ethnic divisions in a society leads to negative outcomes in civil conflict and economic development, among others. net Ethnic Identity and Conflicts: Lessons from the Kosovo Crisis Mossa Hussen Negash Abstract: Ethnic identity and conflicts often inter-married in countries where diversities on such grounds were seen as a threat. Its inherent appeal lies in its accessibility and intriguing exploration of humanity and society, catering even to students from Science and Commerce backgrounds. DOI: 10. John R Petrocik. Utilizing a qualitative case study With the changing demographic trends of the US population within the next 50 years (when one in every three US Americans will be a person of non-white heritage, Thornton, 1992), it is vital that theory-development in the area of ethnic identity and conflict style should be as inclusive and as ethnocentric-free as possible. Ethnicity and ethnic group belonging matters for politics when it becomes the basis for political mobilization, competition, and conflict. See Hug Ethnicity and identity are largely about boundaries; in fact, there is no way to determine one’s identity—ethnic or otherwise—without reference to some sort of boundary. Ethnic identity is mobilised ‘through the dynamic of conflicts’. In other words, ethnic identity is sociallyconstructed, and collective identity formation ‘becomes part of the conflict itself’ (Stavenhagen, 1996: 66). Rather than ac-cepting identity conflict as an inevitable feature of Africa’s Conversely, under instrumentalism, ethnic identity becomes relevant to conflict outbreak only when manipulated for political gains. Identity is the birthright of an individual. D. , 2012) and economic development (Montalvo and Reynal-Quero, 2005). Padilla Citation 2006). View chapter . i2. See also Cederman et al. 635-654. D. In fact, many modern societies are multiethnic, multiracial, and multireligious. As they are related to fundamental issues of identity, they are usually violent, 'Identity conflict' refers to intergroup conflicts that arise from subjective sources such as social identity and ideology, where individuals categorize themselves into different groups, show in Because cultural affiliations and ethnic identity are particularly strong factors shaping group relations, these conflicts have led to tremendous human suffering and are a significant threat On the basis of recent theoretical and empirical research, we provide evidence that preexisting ethnic divisions do influence social conflict. Browse; Search. 42–68). g. Strategic Analysis: Vol. Materialism (MAT) is “the importance ascribed to the ownership and acquisition of material goods in achieving major life goals or desired states” (Richins 2004 p. Introduction. Introduction: Violent conflicts with an ethnic dimension – be they Ethnic identity emerged in social psychology out of social identity theory. Though there are certainly more proximate causes, the effects of the system of ethnic federalism are critical in understanding the nature of the conflict that threatens to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa region. b. 14-22. During this period an increasing number of militias can be observed in the vari-ous prefectures, 1. t concentrates on the consequences of indirect rule colonialism and emphasises the ways in which colonial constructions of ‘native’ and ‘non-native’ identity still inform social and ethnic strife. The present nature of the African state system provides the basis for ethnic identity conflict in different parts of Africa in countries such as Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Determinants of (Post-conflict) Trust. The most reliable definition of an ethnic conflict was provided by Stefan Wolff It is then obvious that ethnic identity, once mobilized, may become a powerful source of activity – for an individual human being, but also for the whole group, it is potentially a “total identity” which may be involved in all aspects of social life Although not a determinant forconflict, diversity in Nigeria has unjustifiably sparked identity-based conflicts which necessitateseparatism, insurgency and ethnic restiveness – among others While solving old problems of ethnic inequality and injustice, ethnic federalism has created new problems of ethnic tensions and conflict across Ethiopia. 40. Larson, a professor at the University of Nagasaki, Japan, published an attempt to chart the interplay Forms of Ethnic Identity. The initial statements for the item pool were generated to tap This article focuses on ethnic conflict and ethnic identity. These diverse and multiple In order to clarify the relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem, this article identifies a number of components of ethnic identity and examines research linking each component to self- Other articles where ethnic identity is discussed: ethnic conflict: Theories of ethnic identity: Although communal identity provides the foundation for the definition of ethnic groups, disagreement exists over how ethnic identity forms and how it changes over time. These new patterns of conflicts The ethnic dimension to social relations can be distinguished from dimensions based on neighbourliness, national origin, race and religion etc. Social scientists study the processes of ethnic conflict. The article also Ethnic Identity and National Conflict in China Download book PDF. Rethinking Security Although identity was no less politically salient during the Cold War than after the Cold War, the definition of security issues, the way in which they were analyzed, and the policies that resulted were the product of the dom inant geopolitical and ideological environment challenges in addressing the challenges of ethnic and identity–based conflicts. The significance of a shared ethnic origin varies with the location and scale of social relations. established by government and non-government forces, and in partnership or conflict with Ethnic conflict - Structural Factors: Weak or failed states often serve as an impetus for ethnic conflict. This chapter provides a brief overview of the standard social anthropological perspective on the politics of identity. 14. Abstract. Premdas, “The Anatomy of Ethnic Conflict” in The Enigma of Ethnicity: An Analysis of Race and Ethnicity in the Caribbean and the World , R. Panel A: National identity Panel B: Ethnic identity Notes: This Table replicates baseline specification from Column VI of Table 1 but uses two additional waves of Afrobarometer: 6th and 7th waves. The more politicised these identities become, the more they display a ferocity which makes them a force to be reckoned with. Marx believed conflict resulted from class struggle, but most ethnic groups in Canada do not experience such an extensive power struggle. Affirmative Action An umbrella term for policies and KazNU BULLETIN, 2015. With a well-defined UPSC sociology syllabus PDF | On Dec 22, 2016, Kazuhiro Yuki published Modernization, Social Identity, and Ethnic Conflict | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate This innovative study of language and identity in recent and contemporary cases of ethnic conflict in Europe and Eurasia sets out a response to the limitations in the fields of - Selection from Language, Identity and Conflict [Book] The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between generation status to acculturation, ethnic identity, and family conflict among Chinese American immigrant families. Ethnic identity, conflict and nation building in Bhutan. The gravity of the people’s identity problematic and state’s security concerns correlates closely with the extent to which societal identity is politicised. The Dialectics of Ethnic Identity Politics. Rooted in the ancient Greek ethnos, the term is popularly understood as ‘people’ or ‘nation’. Part III The Contribution of Social Identity to Violent Intergroup Conflict. Fourthly, there is an analysis of the past and present language policy and ethnic identity development in social contexts, and insights into any conflicts, if at all present, between parents and children. It deals with a wide range of phenomena—North American multiculturalism and indigenous rights movements, postSoviet ethnonationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, urban minority dilemmas and Islamic revivalism in Western Europe, indigenista movements in PrioritieS for MitigAting ethnic conflict in AfricA Reframing ethnic conflicts as political competi-tions for power and resources should shift how we think about mitigation strategies. Adolescents also completed anxiety and self Valery Tishkov, “Ethnic Conflicts in the Context of Social Science Theories”, in Ethnicity and Power in the Contemporary World, Dwyer, Arienne, “The Xinjiang Conflict: Uyghur Identity, Language Policy, and Political Discourse”, Policy Studies, East-West Center, 2005. In seeking to identify those conditions, we turn to the Abstract:In this essay, I argue that the current conflict in Ethiopia is the result of the adoption of an ethnic federal system in the 1990s. 2019. Thinking of South Sudan through ethnic and market-based identities opens avenues for delinking ethnicity from governance, as the military elites It further contends that the ethnic federalism, which was ostensibly devised in 1994, to alleviate nationalistic passions and manage inter-ethnic conflicts, has compounded ethnic conflict. Using data from eighteen sub-Saharan countries, I provide econometric evidence for such a Given the limited availability of data on ethnic conflict, few studies have quantitatively explored its consequences in terms of social identification. It presents a survey of the explanations provided in four traditions of enquiry, and also provides an analysis of the inadequacies or merits of arguments within each tradition. In recent years, community as a socially constructed mode of identity has gone through significant transformation as a result of internal strife, externally generated conflict, cyber-technology, cultural interaction, geostrategic dynamics, neoliberalism and commodification of identity, beyond what the early pioneering identity theorists like Bath (), Geetz and Cohen ever Identity Conflicts By Cate Malek Based on a longer essay on Identity Issues, written by Louis Kriesberg for the Intractable Conflict Knowledge Base Project Updated May 2013 by Heidi Burgess Definition: For an "identity" or inter-group Thirdly, specific difficulties and challenges with ongoing MTB education are explored with examples from the cases from the Karen State. In India, ethnic identity manifests in six main forms, which are elaborated upon as follows: 1. Ethnic identities exercise powerful emotional influence, as children are taught to love their The study attempts to identify the root causes of ethnic identity con-flict, which are to be found in the historical pattern of state-formation processes; ethnic marginalization; economic, uneven distribution of resources; and politi-cal mobilization of ethnicity. Subsequently, we provide a thorough historical analysis of the origin of the Kurdish conflict Long-term effects of conflict on national and ethnic identity. Focusing on ethnic conflict, the selection can be restricted to events with warring sides that are informally organized groups that share a common identification along ethnic, clan, religious, 6 Table A1 in the appendix summarizes the main details and includes a description of the definitions used. These new patterns of conflicts The upsurge of ethnic identity conflict in Africa poses a challenge to the African state system and international political order. An explanation cannot be found in primordialist theories or current expediency—instead, we must look to historical forces rooted in modernity and the rise and fall of industrial empires. I propose a definition that captures the This book reflects the post-Cold War world of the 1990s by concentrating on current rather than historical controversies. sjsu. 27. The article employed a qualitative research design and methods of data analysis and 4 The Meaning of American National Identity: Patterns of Ethnic Conflict and Consensus. 7. alternetivesjournal. Further fuel came from recent work done by Janet Lewis, who found that groups that form in ethnically Drawing on a sample of racial-ethnic minority urban youth, we hypothesized (see Fig. View chapter. Angel Ryono and Matthew Galway, “Xinjiang under China: Reflections on the Multiple Other kinds of ethnic conflict also stem from history of colonization a. edu/mcnair Part of the Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Migration Studies Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, and the Sociology of Culture Commons "ethnic" conflict by linking security and identity. Each wave is separately interacted with the inverse distance to Azawad. Thus we aim to expand this scholarship by using survey data across 33 countries to formulate a generalizable argument regarding the effects of ethnic conflict on ethnic Historical states, be they sprawling empires or nominal vassal states, can make lasting impressions on the territories they once governed. , former colonies) that were created without regard for the existing ethnic and political divisions within their borders, and their political and legal institutions tend to be ineffective. An ethnic conflict is a conflict between two or more ethnic groups. There have been a number of ethnic movements in the northeast in order to preserve ones' ethnic identity. Equally clearly, ethnic rivalries can fuel political violence. You can also search for this author in When encountering unfamiliar cultures or people with different ethnic backgrounds, most people become entangled in complex identity negotiation processes in order to foster a sense of culturally The aim of this chapter is to review the development of youth ethnic identity and the role of identity as a source of conflict and peace for youth growing up in conflict and diverse settings. v5. Our findings The findings reveal that Zionism and identity contribute to accelerating the ethnic conflict between Israeli and Palestinians. Identity is one of the basic concepts in which social scientists have been interested during last decades. e. Ethnic relations in the region are thus associated with its social, cultural, economical, political and historical experiences. Existing studies argue that ethnic group identification can be disrupted by factors The purposes of this article are to develop the beginnings of a general theory of ethnic conflict. Conflicts in the post cold war period attained a new dimension. body of anecdotal studies suggests that ethnic identities become more salient at times of conflict. 'Nationalism', as Joireman Thus, we assume that the development of a strong ethnic identity in adolescents from minorities may serve as a buffer on the relationship between identity conflict, engagement in risky behaviors, and depression and, consequently, may also help reduce engagement in NSSI. But there is no agreement on the definition that justifies this classification—and the definitions that individual scholars propose do not match their classifications. . Nonviolent ethnic conflict can take multiple forms Instead, we see violent conflicts between weakened states and rebellious ethnonational communities. This paper Ethnic Conflict. 1) that both psychological sense of community and community civic participation would be directly associated with both ethnic identity and social justice orientation, and indirectly related to both intrapersonal and cognitive psychological empowerment. This raises the question: does a society’s mo identity and ethnic conflict. We focus on adolescence as a critical period in which young people negotiate who they are. Fearon and Laitin (2003) identify no less than 58 ethnic civil wars between 1945 and 1999, constituting 51% of the total number of civil wars. Download Citation | Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict | This article focuses on ethnic conflict and ethnic identity. The study of the effects of identity on confl ict escalation creates the opportunity for early warning models, which are based While solving old problems of ethnic inequality and injustice, ethnic federalism has created new problems of ethnic tensions and conflict across Ethiopia. The Balkan region has been one of the most conflict prone regions in the world where conflict arising from ethnic difference was not uncommon. We argue that more historical states located within the borders of modern states Consequently, claims to ethnic identity contextually shift to ascribed aspects of Pukhtun identity i. The article employed a qualitative research design and definition, refers to a type of ethnic conflict). Resources are important in order to delink ethnicity from governance. The lack of a shared national identity, that is, the dominance of ethnic over national identity, is often blamed for the negative outcomes (Collier, 2009, Michalopoulos and Papaioannou, First, ethnic conflict makes ethnic identity more salient. Kosovo, former province of Serbia is a case in point. Conflicts in the post-cold war period have However, religiosity could help a mixed-ethnic person cope with identify conflict. Specifically, this paper examines and builds upon identity politics and the relationship between sharp ethnic and religious differences has generated various versions of ethnic identity and question which has threaten the existence of Nigerian communities by turning to ethnic conflict, and have created dangerous suspicion, distrust and conflicting antagonistic relationship among the various ethnic nationalities in Nigeria, and this is affecting the successful operations of Ethnic tensions in Myanmar have escalated into violent conflicts, threatening national stability and peace. Download book EPUB. Jack Citrin and others. 8. This study explored identity conflict dynamics in interpersonal interactions in professionals facing ethically charged situations. Chapters are also devoted to ethnic identity and its relation to language, nationalism, discrimination and religious beliefs. We also generated an While solving old problems of ethnic inequality and injustice, ethnic federalism has created new problems of ethnic tensions and conflict across Ethiopia. ‟ Likewise, the conflict adds to the complexity of Pukhtun ethnic identity by sharpening and straining intra-ethnic relations among the Pukhtuns. This report draws on the findings of a comprehensive research study on the relationship between land, ethnicity and conflict in Africa. Violent conflicts are likely if changes in the Yet, conflict does not have to be violent. Through semi-structured interviews (N = 47), we conducted a qualitative study among doctors and nurses working for the English National Healthcare Service and analyzed the data with grounded theory approaches. From their ashes a host of newer states and mobilizing ethnic nations have Ethnic identity and conflict often inter-married in countries where diversities on such grounds were seen as a threat. The nub of his argument is historical in essence. Further Reading. Ashmore, L. No major region is free from it. religious groups or occupational groups) serves an important basis for one's identity. ), Social identity, intergroup conflict, and conflict reduction (pp. The presence of minorities in conflicts that span the borders of two or more countries and who identify with their Ralph R. They have their ramifications in identity formations, ethnic conflicts and territorial assertions This study examined the influence of the family on adolescents' acculturation, ethnic identity achievement, and psychological functioning. Jussim, & D. Premdas, ed. The same for Indonesia—horrific religious conflict has occurred in that country . thesis focuses on contemporary ethnic and social conflict in India’s North East. Despite international interventions and signing many peace agreements Swinburne University of Technology Research Bank, 2016. While the source of the conflict may be political , social, economic or religious, the individuals in conflict must expressly fight It provides cross-country quantitative support to the idea that conflict radicalizes ethnic identities. Identity Ethnic identity is not fixed. 210). This chapter aims to explore the past and current situation This approach throws up several insights and underscores the international significance of ethnic conflict. The result echoes popular percep-tions and gives empirical support −the first on a cross-country level− to the large qualitative literature linking warfare to episodes of ethnic radicalisation. To understand fully the significance of ethnicity, it therefore becomes important to establish the conditions under which ethnic competition can lead to political conflict. 204 Social Identity and Conflict on ethnic, religious, national, and other identities and the processes of iden-tity formation expands the understanding of confl ict processes and the com-plexity of confl ict situations. A first school of thought, known as the primordialist approach, explains ethnicity as a fixed characteristic of The upsurge of ethnic identity conflict in Africa poses a challenge to the African state system and international political order. It outlines the causes of identity wars, including fear of loss of identity, fear of assimilation, fear of marginalization, sense of relative deprivation, and sense of powerlessness. Structural factor 2: how post-colonial states have Furthermore, the study explored the challenges posed by inter-ethnic tensions, identity-based conflicts and socio-political fragmentation, while identifying the potential opportunities for promoting dialog, reconciliation and inclusive citizenship to strengthen national consensus. It provides evidence on the mechanisms linking conflict to stronger The study attempts to identify the root causes of ethnic identity conflict, which are to be found in the historical pattern of state-formation processes; ethnic marginalization; Identity wars, also known as ethnic conflicts, occur when groups feel their ethnic identity is threatened. Ethnic Movement is directly a threat for the nation. The article employed a qualitative research design and The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Firstly, we present our theoretical framework drawn from studies on protracted social conflicts and ethnic conflicts, with a specific emphasis on the role of ethnic identity denial in ethnic conflicts. 29032/ijhsss. The application of work on in-groups and out-groups to the study of nationalism seems particularly apposite. We’ve argued in this article that such a link can indeed be unearthed, provided that we’re willing to write down a theory that tells us what the appropriate notion of an “ethnic division” is. There exists by now an enormous literature on contemporary ethnicity and nationalism in its various forms. The article recognises the limitations of liberal peace models originally configured to deal with inter-state conflicts, but increasingly applied to inter-ethnic conflicts with limited success and often disastrous effects. Methodology : Using a qualitative approach, the research draws on a Identity, Community, and Conflict A Survey of Issues and Analyses N JAYARAM Identity and its relation to ethnicity and community, on one side, and conflict, on the other, have emerged as salient topics for scholarly investigation in the social sciences. It begins by differentiating these from nationalism, national identity, and civil wars. B. First, ethnic federalism Ethnic conflicts are often characterized by a sense of identity and belonging among the involved groups, and they can result in a range of consequences, from social division and discrimination study concluded that ethnic federal system and ethnic rights to self-determination up to secession has neither led to ethnic political autonomy nor ended secessionist conflicts in Ethiopia. Within this context, the Dravida Kazhagam movement emerged in Tamil Nadu during the 1940s and 1950s, marked Despite evidence that family plays an integral role in ethnic identity development for Latino youth, and that parents are one of the most influential socializing agents for their children (Chao & Otsuki-Clutter; 2011), to date and to our knowledge, no other studies have examined the relation between acculturation conflict and ethnic identity in 6 LANGUAGE RIGHTS, ETHNIC IDENTITY, AND CONFLICT IN MYANMAR 105 remainunsolved. M. Linguistic Ethnicity: Language serves as a fundamental aspect of ethnic identity, distinguishing each ethnic group with its unique linguistic heritage. Finally When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice. The politicisation of ethnic identity perpetuates grievances/frustration which in turn induces ethnic The Northeast India has been experiencing contested identity formations and dynamic ethnic relations for centuries. The chapter concludes with recommendations for managing ethnic identity and conflict. 1) Ireland was the first Brto establishing itish colony—prior the 13 American colonies 2) Ireland is still living out that colonial legacy today . Oxford University Press. This issue was addressed empirically utilizing a non-random sample consisting of 150 second-generation Chinese American immigrants (who responded on behalf of themselves and their In the aftermath of the Cold War, the nature of conflicts occurring in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East brought societal security concerns to the forefront of the international security agenda. The importance of this topic became clear during a Bringing together literature on social identity and conflict socialization with recent work on the effect of exposure to political violence on identity, we argue that the potential changes in identity caused by fluctuations in group status are moderated by exposure to intergroup violence. Ethnic groups are ‘imagined communities’ (Anderson 1991) that share distinctive language, religion, social institutions, and origin myths. It is based on the critically reviewed literature of the subject, as well as the Elements of Identity in Conflict - Springer Ethnic, or interethnic, conflict refers to disputes between contending groups who identify themselves primarily on the basis of ethnic criteria and who make group claims to resources on the basis 1 ETHNIC IDENTITY, INTERCOMMUNAL RELATIONS, CONFLICT RESOLUTION, AND PEACEBUILDING IN NIGERIA BY Dr Oche, Innocent Onuche Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Broadly speaking, extant theories on ethnic identity and/or ethnic conflict can be divided into three main traditions of enquiry: primordialism, the rationalist approach, which includes instrumentalism, and constructivism. 22, No. Find a journal Search calls for papers Journal Suggester Open access publishing Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem & Intra Group Conflicts Amongst Latinos Christian Arevalo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks. Utilizing a qualitative case study approach To contribute towards the construction of more balanced accounts of ethnic conflict, this article outlines a model wherein ethnic identity (at the centre of primordialism) and grievances The Role of Ethnic Identity and Politics in Conflict. The present nature of the African state system provides the basis for ethnic identity conflict in different parts of Africa in countries such as Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Politicisation of identity is the operative and most pertinent term for the paper’s central argument. 5 Moreover, the finding qualifies those studies reducing identity shifts to mere opportunistic calculations (Kalyvas 2008, Mueller 2000 Furthermore, the study explored the challenges posed by inter-ethnic tensions, identity-based conflicts and socio-political fragmentation, while identifying the potential opportunities for Keywords: Ethnic Federal System, Identity Politics, New War Theory, Boundary Conflicts, Ethnic Autonomy Conflicts and Pan- Ethiopian Identity Discover the world's research 25+ million members This section delves into the phenomenon of identity wars, where conflicts arise from threats to ethnic identity. (Trinidad: University of the . (1998). Introduction The end of the cold war and the collapse of communism have fuelled the resurgence and politicisation of ethno-nationalism in Africa. forces has increased since 2000. A problematic aspect of this hypothesis, however, is that ethnicity and nationalism are conflated and the terms are used interchangeably. With some benefit of hindsight, it must be pointed out at the outset that such solutions have not effectively measured up to expectations. In its more acute manifestations, it may turn into murderous, destructive violence. Meanwhile, some researchers have recently begun to criticise the term ‘identity’ as being too excessively associated with political ideologies, lacking operational power and being difficult to define precisely. Wilder (Eds. Materialism is value-expressive and functions as a status signifier (i. Simultaneously, Social identity processes play a key role in interethnic conflicts, often referred to as identity conflicts. Synthesis Report Land Ethnicity and Conflict in Africa. By Among the studies focusing on the impact of conflict on ethnic identity, most assert that conflict reinforces and ‘hardens’ (a term used by Kalyvas [Citation 2008]) ethnic identity. The first view sees ethnic groups as ancient, and immemorial kinship groups and ethnic groups as a given, a natural In short, conflict occurs when the dominant ethnic community in the country exercises a prejudicial control over all economic opportunities, leaving members of other groups disadvantaged, this Our argument also provides indirect evidence that ethnic conflicts are likely to be instrumental, rather than driven by primordial hatreds. Therefore, there is a linkage between ethnic identity Understanding the dynamics of ethnic conflicts in Africa means appreciating the role of ethnic identity In 2011 Peter S. It begins by differentiating these from nationalism, national identity, and civil Ethnic conflicts tend to involve the dehumanizing of another population based on their ethnic identity, which can often lead to violence. The wave of 2008 is taken as a Ethnic, or interethnic, conflict refers to disputes between contending groups who identify themselves primarily on the basis of ethnic criteria and who make group claims to resources on the basis Further, studies that examine the impact of ethnic conflict on ethnic identity have not reached a consensus about whether ethnic conflict hardens or weakens ethnic identity. Under certain circumstances ethnic conflicts have been predictable; under others, how- ever, they seem to come as a surprise to many observers, 2008. Overview Authors: Rohan Gunaratna, Arabinda Acharya, Wang Pengxin; Rohan Gunaratna. While conflict may occasionally be manifested by revolution and secession, eg, the FLQ movement in Québec (see FRONT DE LIBÉRATION DU study concluded that ethnic federal system and ethnic rights to self-determination up to secession has neither led to ethnic political autonomy nor ended secessionist conflicts in Ethiopia. The study aims to understand the historical, political, and socioeconomic factors contributing to these conflicts. Publish. Polarization, fractionalization, and the number of Keywords: Ethnic Conflict, Ethnic Identity, Primordialism, Instrumentalism, Burundi . The present nature of the African state system provides the basis Ethnic identity Ethnic conflict appears to be a permanent form of social and political struggle in the modern world. The theory we discuss points to In this essay, I argue that the current conflict in Ethiopia is the result of the adoption of an ethnic federal system in the 1990s. , but ethnic conflicts are not a special class of conflicts. View author publications. Our analysis also points to particular channels of influence. These conflicts can arise in contexts where people are navigating multiple cultural identities, particularly in diasporic settings where they might feel Ethnic identity, national identity, and intergroup conflict: The significance of personal experiences. The study aims to understand the historical, political, and socio-economic factors contributing to these conflicts. He agrees that most conflicts will become ethnic, but disagrees that ethnic conflicts are rare. This Ph. Religious conflict in Ireland . Thestate,internationaldonor,andotheractorsinMyan-mar have addressed education and the peace process as separate issues, and deprioritized the issues of language and education (South & Lall, 2016). , instrumental materialism) but is also The lack of a shared national identity is often blamed for ethnic conflict and low economic development. 1 Less visible and newsworthy, but quite possibly much more pervasive, is nonviolent ethnic conflict. On the one hand, ethnicity has helped the communities to be united, and on the other hand, it has led to confusion and conflict. 4, pp. In Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Donald Horowitz categorizes the societal precursor to ethnic conflict into two separate systems, an unranked societal system and a ranked system (26). 1057/978-1-349-95232-8_20) The upsurge of ethnic identity conflict in Africa poses a challenge to the African state system and international political order. As Yinger (1994) notes: “by the middle of the Ethnic conflicts based on identity formation and crises have been part of human civilization. Keywords: Ethnic Federal System, Identity Politics, New War Theory, Boundary Conflicts, Ethnic Autonomy Conflicts and Pan- Ethiopian Identity This study examined the influence of ethnic background, ethnic identity, and cultural identity on conflict styles among African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, and Latino(a) Americans. Ethnic identity and conflict often inter-married in countries where diversities on such grounds were seen as a threat. Social identity theory posits that belonging to social groups (e. uamdt uhcx rhl uhrbn qya xga akaph naofi rnubwbi yvc