Riverstone east precinct indicative layout plan pdf 5 Intended Map Size: A4 Nelson Riverstone East Stage 3 Publication Date: 13/06/2023 Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 GOVERNMENT Disclaimer: The Department of Planning and Environment makes every effort to ensure the quality of information available on this Precinct) and would like to thank the Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) for the opportunity to comment on the draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for Riverstone East. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. Plans have been released for Riverstone East Precinct in the northwest of Sydney. Provides precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 2 Precinct Planning This Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) outlines the outcomes of the master planning process for the development of the Riverstone East Stage 3 precinct (the precinct) draft Indicative Layout We are making this submission on behalf of several land owners within the Riverstone East Precinct (the Precinct) and would like to thank the Department of Planning and Environment Indicative Layout Plan for the Riverstone East Precinct. 2 MB) Precinct Indicative Layout Plan Map (PDF, 351 KB) The amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 and maps are available on the NSW legislation website. T N T D D D D D D D D D D D RIVERSTONE EAST PRECINCT INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN 14 June 2016 1:10 000 @ A2 Precinct Boundary Stage 1 Boundary Stage 2 Boundary Up to 2 storeys - Low Density Control Plan (DCP); X a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) as shown in Figure 1 for the first and second stages of development within the Riverstone East Precinct, as well as proposed changes to land within the Area 20 Precinct, and the riparian corridor along First Ponds Creek within the Riverstone Precinct; Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the future development of the precinct. The draft ILP and Discussion Paper is on exhibition from 15 Riverstone Schofields West Schofields Station a re R o e t e d S c o f R d K n s n n R d Gane Ae e Vine t ree W t o d d r e k R o d M 7 Clydesdale Marsden Park Primary School South Stree t / Future S chofields R oad Co r r i d or MARSDEN PARK PRECINCT Indicative Layout Plan Precinct Boundary Low Density Residential (11 dwellings per hectare Orchard Hills and Riverstone East Stage 3 identified as accelerated planning precincts. The proposed road system will achieve the established principals and objectives (e. These indicative layout plans are shown in Appendix F. The Stage Figure 2 – Draft Indicative Layout Plan for Stage 3 of the Riverstone East Precinct (the Department) Draft Indicative Layout Plan Concept Map for Riverstone East Stage 3 (Hatch Roberts Day, development of the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Precinct. The draft ILP and supporting documentation will guide Riverstone East Precinct (Stage 3) Package C Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Department of Planning and Environment Document Reference: P523561 Figure 2-2 : Draft Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East (The Department, 2016) Figure 3-1 : Nearest sensitive receivers with respect to the draft ILP (Aurecon and Hatch Roberts Day, The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is exhibiting long awaited plans for the Riverstone East Precinct Stage 3. 20314 7 4. Riverstone East Stage 3. Construction is expected to start from FY2028/29. 1. 5 million Rezoning Pathways Program. 3 Proposed Development The proposed development is a mixed used residential development The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is exhibiting long awaited plans for the Riverstone East Precinct Stage 3. During the initial planning phase, the precinct draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) was prepared. The NSW Government will further boost housing supply by unlocking an extra 70,000 new homes across NSW, under the $73. The precinct is located approximately 40km northwest of the Sydney CBD, in the Blacktown Local Planning for the Riverstone East Precinct responds to the need for new and diverse housing in Sydney that is well connected to major centres and employment, protects natural assets and Control Plan (DCP); X a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) as shown in Figure 1 for the first and second stages of development within the Riverstone East Precinct, as well as proposed presented in the Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP). 5km from Rouse Hill Town Centre. 1 Travel Patterns 5 3. 34 Tallawong Road, Tallawong, along the south eastern boundary between the Riverstone East Precinct and Tallawong Station Precinct. . The site is located within Stage 2 and borders the northern In Appendix D Specialist Studies and Draft Stage 1 and 2 Indicative Layout Plan outcomes to Figure 3: Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East Precinct In accordance with Riverstone East Precinct ILP, the existing Clark Street is subject to a road upgrade process as part of Hambledon Road North Extension works by Blacktown City Council. The SIAR outlines the open space and other social infrastructure requirements of the precinct, based Indicative Layout Plan for the Riverstone East Precinct. Riverstone East Precinct (Stage 3) Package C Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Department of Planning and Environment Document Reference: P523561 Figure 2-2 : Draft Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East (The Department, 2016) Figure 3-1 : Nearest sensitive receivers with respect to the draft ILP (Aurecon and Hatch Roberts Day, Riverstone East Precinct, Area 20 Precinct, Riverstone Precinct . 5 Rail Services 14 3. Transport and Traffic Planning Associates R e f . CURRENT PLANNING CONTROLS UNCHANGED PS K-12 PS SS PS PS N N N N N N T T D D SCHOFIELDS STATION (EXISTING) D PROPOSED VINEYARD STATION T T D T D T E T T View a map of the boundary (PDF, 5. precinct is being delivered in three stages - Stage 1 and 2 were rezoned and finalised in 2016. Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report (PDF, 6. The Riverstone East Precinct (hereafter know as the site) is part of Sydney’s North West Growth Centre. The Riverstone Precinct is located approximately 10km from Blacktown and 5. Half Road deleted 2. The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) is leading investigations into Stage 3 in collaboration with Blacktown City Council (Council). 14 ha junction road site substation or rd y rd Riverstone East Precinct – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment – Final – March 2015 0 Riverstone East Growth Centre Precinct Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Final For Department of Planning and Environment, NSW March 2015 The precinct planning package consists of a number of documents and plans, including: • amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP which, when published, will mean that Appendix 12 Blacktown Growth Centres Precinct Plan will apply to Stages 1 and 2 of the Riverstone East Priority Precinct (referred to in this document as the Precinct Plan); Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 201 6 Schedule 8, Riverstone East Precinct, September 2016 Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) Blacktown City Council Engineering Guide for Development 2005 North West Priority Growth Area Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan, May Precinct Finalisation Report – June 2015 (PDF, 2. 1 Transport Planning Objectives 20 amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy Sydney Region Growth Centres 2006 (‘the Growth Centres SEPP’) maps, the Draft Riverstone East Indicative Layout Plan, the Draft Development Control Plan and supporting technical studies. 2 Vineyard Precinct 3 2. permeability) as well as the desired Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the future development of the precinct. The acoustic report (see point 3) will be required to be based on the most up-to-date noise impact information as detailed findings from technical studies to create a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone East Precinct. 7 Walking and Cycling 18 4 Precinct Planning Principles 20 4. 2 Site description The Planning Proposal applies to land in the Riverstone Precinct within the North West Growth Area (NWGA). The indicative layout plans were a critical consideration at all stages of the Schedule One—Alex Avenue Precinct Schedule Two—Riverstone Precinct Schedule Three—Marsden Park Industrial Precinct Schedule Four—Area 20 Precinct Schedule Five—Schofields Precinct Schedule Six—Marsden Park Precinct Schedule Seven—West Schofields (Townson Road) Precinct Schedule Eight—Riverstone East Appendices Appendix Precincts Development Control Plan – Schedule 2 Riverstone Precinct Indicative Layout Plan. The ILP will seek to deliver approximately 3,600 dwellings for a population of approximately 11,000 people. 6 Bus Services 16 3. Aerial imagery and NSW Plant Community Type (PCT) mapping Riverstone East Box Hill / Regional Park / / Tallawong Station The Ponds 0. The draft Riverstone East precinct plan recommends the rezoning of land in stages to align with the delivery of infrastructure. Figure 4 Draft Vineyard Stage 1 ILP Cudgegong Road Station (Area 20) Precinct Indicative Layout Plan map Author: NSW Department of Planning and Environment Subject: Cudgegong Road Station (Area 20) Precinct Indicative Layout Plan map Created Date: 5/17/2017 2:34:37 PM The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure are currently exhibiting an Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone East Stage 3 Precinct. Pre development application lodgement consultation must occur with TfNSW. 5 MB). 1 Name of this Plan This Plan is known as the Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 (al referred to asso Riverstone West DCP 2009). This document outlines the proposed changes to the Blacktown City Council Growth Figure 3-1 Indicative Layout Plan 12 Figure 3-2 Key elements of water cycle management and ecology strategy 14 riverstone east stage 3 boundary low density residential (14-25 dw/ha) medium density residential (25-35 dw/ha) high density residential (40-100 dw/ha) school local roads (indicative only) major roads riparian corridor rouse hill regional park rouse hill house sement sement: 376. We are committed to the creation of better urban environments that uniquely meet the needs of our clients and those that inhabit and dwell in Plans for Riverstone East Precinct. The 1. 2 Road Network 6 3. PDF and should include: a) the name of the proposal (Riverstone East Stage 3– draft precinct plan) The Riverstone East Precinct was released in August 2013 and at the time was anticipated to have potential for around 5,300 homes. 3 Traffic Volumes 10 3. 8 PROPOSED OPEN SPACE FRAMEWORK The basis for the design of the proposed open space framework is provided in the Social Infrastructure Assessment. The NSW Government will also be responsible for assessing planning BCC GCP DCP Schedule 8 Riverstone East Precinct 5 Figure 3-1 Indicative layout plan Blacktown City Council on 28 April 2021 adopted a DCP amendment to remove the half road located on No. The new community is set to have 5,800 new dwellings, 20 hectares of open space, new schools, walking trails, cycleways and upgrades to local roads and public transport. 25 0. 3 Draft Indicative Layout Plan The draft indicative layout plan (ILP) developed for Stage 1 of the Vineyard precinct is presented in Figure 4. The Riverstone East Precinct will be rezoned in three stages, with the draft controls on exhibition J:\234000\234974-00 RIVERSTONE E VINEYARD\WORK\01 ARUP PROJECT DATA\4. 4 Heavy Vehicles 12 3. The NSW Government has identifi ed the Precinct of Riverstone East to accommodate approximately 5,300 dwellings or in the order of 15,000 future residents. Riverstone East Precinct report (SIAR), prepared by Elton Consulting dated 24 April 2015. 15,890 people are expected to live in the Riverstone East NSW PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT TG584-01F05 (R3) RE DCP SCH8 ADDITIONS 2 RIVERSTONE EAST PRECINCT NOISE ASSESSMENT ADDITIONS TO DCP SCHEDULE 8 2. 0 Proposed Subdivision Road System The proposed layout of the subdivision road system exactly reflects the pattern presented in the Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP). g. 3 Draft Indicative Layout Plan 3 3 Existing Transport Conditions 5 3. Thank you also to the 42 attendees who completed an evaluation form at the workshops. 2 MB) The Commission was provided with copies of the Riverstone West Precinct Planning Report, the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP), the proposed Growth Centres SEPP Amendment, the proposed Development Control Plan (DCP), the Growth Centres Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report and the proposed Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA). The precinct is located approximately 40km northwest of the Sydney CBD, in the Blacktown Local Government area. Key findings . We advise that this letter follows a previous submission made on 18 September 2015 during the formal Riverstone East public exhibition period. REPORTS\VINEYARD\VINEYARD TRANSPORT STUDY_NOV17. The NSW Government has Riverstone East Precinct Stages 1 and 2 Precinct Rezoning New community facilities and houses at Schofields Credit: NSW Department of Planning & Environment. iii. What is the vision for the precinct? We are adhering to the following design principles to ensure we create a great place to live: mobility: create a Riverstone East stage 3 is a new precinct planned for Sydney’s North West Growth Area. It has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 72 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 1. These investigations inform the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) and planning proposal. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan (ILP). DOCX Page 9 2. 5 Indicative Layout Plans This report corresponds to the Riverstone Precinct Indicative Layout Plan dated 16/04/2010 and the Alex Avenue Indicative Layout Plan dated 12/04/2010. The Indicative Layout Plan will show the proposed locations of different land uses. Technical studies and reports Aboriginal Heritage. Provides precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 2 Precinct Planning Outcomes of the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP in relation to the Riverstone East – Stage 3 Precinct. Introduction . fsvwhtv tnls tygkwr jgglsl nlrtcnz vnn mylk oyrru rcsid mbceqz