Subjugation casus belli stellaris. Now I need a Casus Belli, and cannot get that in diplomacy.

Subjugation casus belli stellaris The messages started no longer appearing once I caught up to advanced neighbors. Before you could declare a war and have a subjugation war goal, done and done. There's plenty of empires around me that I can beat in a war, but I can't declare a war to vassalise because I need a subjugation casus belli. So from what I've read about it, you can only do a subjugation casus belli if your **overall** power is stronger. There are four ways to obtain a subjugation, Casus Belli in Stellaris – having superior or better relative power, being president of a level three hegemony federation, taking the become the crisis ascension perk, and being the galactic emperor. There are four ways to obtain a subjugation, Casus Belli in Stellaris – having superior or better relative power, being president of a level three hegemony federation, taking the become the crisis ascension perk, and being the galactic emperor. The only thing that would disallow a Subjugation CB is if you had a total war CB on them, and since you can't use the action against the us-against-the-galaxy types in the first place you'd need the Colossus ascension perk to get one. Another empire can become your subject in Stellaris through diplomatic means by simply asking them. You lose it automatically a certain amount of time after you gain it. The basis for demanding subjugation should be: Domination Tradition; Superior in relative power; Be their neighbor; Ask/Demand in diplomacy screen prior, if they refuse you have a year to setup that war demand. What I don’t understand is why the subjugation casus belli is no longer given when an empire turns down a subjugation proposal, in addition to the new mechanic. . You can trivially get it back again at any time just by contacting the other empire and asking them to become your subject so they can refuse again. I can only get one after demanding vassalation diplomatically first. It's changed with the recent updates and a lot of demands/casus belli now require you to be neighbors among some other requirements. Subjugation casus belli is always temporary. Do I need fleet power or everything to be above? Apparently, you also used to be able to obtain it after a subjugation refusal from the enemy empire. If diplomacy is not an option, you can use a subjugation casus belli to declare war and force them to become your vassal. In all my past couple games, I've become target of subjugation casus belli regardless of my overwhelming fleet power. Spending easily north of 300+ influence should allow you to get the casus belli for a period of time regardless of relative power, which the game seems to be a poor judge of. Now I need a Casus Belli, and cannot get that in diplomacy. It's *not* based on fleet power at any rate, and that is good. Neighbor shows up as "equivalent" despite inferior tech and fleet strength, but equivalent navy capacity. No. fhfk bczmq bfcmrkrn nrkgwecv vko cffldf nigql ytmyzvq nwwi abp

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