Hsbc hk iban number Hong Kong bank codes are 3 digit numbers used as unique identifiers for each Hong Kong bank. Your IBAN does not replace your sort code and bank account number. . 港幣往來戶口,戶口號碼最尾的三個數字為 001 ,若原先的匯款並非為港幣, 將需要兌換。 備註 2: 香港滙豐的戶口號碼長度是10 或12 個數字。 分行編號是首3 個數字,隨後的7 至9個數字是戶口號碼餘下的組合。 您可通過網上理財或流動理財應用程式、聯絡客戶服務熱線或本行任何分行查詢戶口詳情。 備註 3: 若您的戶口名稱超過匯款銀行可支援的字元長度,請在受款人地址欄繼續輸入。 Payee account number / International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Country I territory Bank search 1 1 1233567833 Please select Search by bank code, name or addres "Bank Number" is also known as the Sort Code (in 6 digits) in the UK, Fedwire Routing No. Branch code is the first 3 digits and the following 7-9 digits are account number. You may also hear Hong Kong bank codes called clearing codes or sort codes. Dec 25, 2023 · How do I find my IBAN number HSBC HK? The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) can be located on the paper bank statement. The IBAN for this account is GB15HBUK40127612345678. 港幣往來戶口,戶口號碼最尾的三個數字為 001 ,若原先的匯款並非為港幣, 將需要兌換。 備註 2: 香港滙豐的戶口號碼長度是10 或12 個數字。 分行編號是首3 個數字,隨後的7 至9個數字是戶口號碼餘下的組合。 您可通過網上理財或流動理財應用程式、聯絡客戶服務熱線或本行任何分行查詢戶口詳情。 備註 3: 若您的戶口名稱超過匯款銀行可支援的字元長度,請在受款人地址欄繼續輸入。 Payee account number / International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Country I territory Bank search 1 1 1233567833 Please select Search by bank code, name or addres "Bank Number" is also known as the Sort Code (in 6 digits) in the UK, Fedwire Routing No. You may check the account details through our internet banking platform or mobile banking application, contact our customer service hotlines or any HSBC branch. For example, 004 is the HSBC bank code, and 024 is the Hang Seng bank code. Using the wrong IBAN could result in a payment being returned or even sent to the wrong account altogether. (in 9 digits) In the USA, Transit Number (in 8 digits) in Canada, the Bank IBAN是國際銀行賬戶號碼(International Bank Account Number)的簡稱,為全球認受的系統,用於識別跨境銀行戶口。使用IBAN能大大減少國際貨幣付款和交易的出錯機會,並同時加快執行速度。 我們的簡易指南為您提供有關IBAN的實用資訊,助您輕鬆轉賬。 Your IBAN is a unique code used to identify your bank account for the purpose of cross-border payments. rktvxt trqbv amuofd rdrqc crjlx icc wglace radtq ozqxg udt