Hoi4 division recovery rate

Hoi4 division recovery rate. The easiest way to see this without math is to load up the game open console, give xp and make some units containing different types of battalions. The increase in recovery speed is largely just going to offset the increased organization. Speed 0. Once formed your new nation will only have major players near you, tread carefully. Jedes weitere Bataillon, das anschließend hinzugefügt oder ausgetauscht wird, kostet 5 EP. **reinforce rate**. For whatever reason, PDX left the base recovery rate of MP at a pretty poor . army_morale_factor = 0. Army Organization regain is a buff described in percentages. The combat width is non-ideal. Resistance: Up to 25% attrition. Lets go one step further, and bring the infantry down to 15/5/1. At 8 width where you have 10 divisions, thats 4% off the top. Recovery speed: the ratio a division can recover its organization. I see that the right side is much shorter, but it has extreme reinforce rates and recovery rates that could really make a difference. 12) than Marines, so you will manage to fit 1 division of 5CAV in Central Africa to make them fight full strength. 然而,仅堪一用的陆军规模和捉襟见肘的殖民帝国使其难以独自与 联合王国 Oct 20, 2020 · 20 width 7/2 division. 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. Max Speed: How fast the unit can traverse the land, in ideal conditions (good terrain, high supply and organization, sufficient oil supply for divisions that use oil) HP: Hit Points Reinforce rate is the stat that determines their chances of filling empty space in the battle each hour, so having a high number for that stat means that you'll spend less time having empty spaces in your fights. 02/h, average time of reinforcement is 1/λ=50h. Jul 17, 2023 · Here are all the things that Infrastructure does in HOI4: Increase Supply and Supply Throughput. If your divisions are 10 width or more you should never normally encounter this penalty. With radio tech, basic average is cut down to 14h and with a signal company you get down to 8, 6, 5 hours at the respective tech levels. This feels like it can result in situations where a ton of divisions will be sitting in reserves not fighting and the other side can have far more actually in combat. Reinforce rate sounds like it could be really easy to abuse. Increase Resource Output. Template 3. At 2 width where you have 40 divisions, thats -64%. Resist weather penalties. It's a solid division, though only for small fronts where you can't fit multiple divisions (they're also a good choice of volunteers). 55. Increase Construction Speed of Shared Buildings. Resist attrition. High-output and low-cost. Faster than infantry but sometimes worse on defense. And the entire doctrine doesn't really benefit 40W in any way - you get 2% reinforcement rate at the very end, yay. Production Cost 0. e. After civil war, your war goals are: Siam, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman. The tooltip explains well what it does. The lost equipment and manpower will be automatically refilled using equipment from your stockpile, as long as you have any left. Depending on the variant, though, their more specific uses vary greatly. Division Recovery Rate: +20%; Factory Output: +10%; Recruitable Population Factor: Old World Blues — HOI4 total conversion mod Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. They have high organization so will take a few days to fall back even if they take a real beating. The 14/4. If enemy attacks exceed you amount of defense by May 14, 2024 · Adding a battalion of a different unit type (infantry, mobile, or armored) adds a penalty of 20 XP per additional unit type. The balancing point is going to be around "effective organization", which is going to depend on enemy attack count. Never miss a thing. That means a unit out of supply is functionally useless! NOTE: Supply is not the same as equipment. - Rush field hospital 4 and overcome literally everyone with numbers. Uses: For the most part, these are for defending, just like standard 20 width infantry. Suppression – efficiency when it comes to suppressing occupied territory. You can increase this recovery rate with equipment and tech. 0. Specifically: SF: 9 km/h, 30 org, 0. Attrition losses are determined by reliability; see the reliability section for more info. It does not track experience by anything within the division, they simply share the total experience level. So if I understand correctly reinforce rate is a percent chance for a division to enter combat every hour (day?). Disband all the divisions except one, start training it, add one inf, duplicate it (for normal infantry), then continue to add inf division until combat width is 28 while not stopping training. Initiative helps divisions in combat to engage in combat when there is available combat width. It is the chance every hour that your unit will join a battle. Fair enough. Good in low supply areas like Africa or Asia. Has Completed focus The Only Man in the Dutch Government. It's dumb you can't modify templates in vanilla anyway. How to improve: Certain support companies like recon, certain battalions like motorized. Jun 19, 2021 · Reinforce rate is primarily defensive, recovery leans more towards offensive. Though isn't the leader bonus for Mao, Cornered Fox (+15% Division defense & +10% Division recovery rate) really good to have when you're in a defensive war against Japan? I think you'll lose the bonus if you get 3 more provinces, so an idea would maybe just to border war for 2 more provinces and keep the leader bonus, just for the war with Japan. 20 width weak infantry. More so than the recovery rate, the reinforce rate is much more valuable. This recovery rate is lost damaged when out of supply. Higher RR cuts down on recovery time for divisions, letting them re-enter combat quicker. Unfortunately, Coordination is relatively useless. In turn, organization loss slows down movement. The total is a combination between the division’s stat and the one of the general. Difficulty in Hearts of Iron 4 is a modifier that can provide either more or less of a challenge to the player by modifying certain values for the player or the AI. Full orange bar means the division is at full strength, but not Old World Blues — HOI4 total conversion mod Wiki. It's Recovery rate that does that. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. #1. Whenever I am making a 44-width tank composition of sorts I aim for >150 Breakthrough, >0. The Rehabilitated Military branch gives +2% Reinforce Rate, +10% Division Recovery Rate, 1× research bonus (50%) for land doctrines, and 20 Army experience. While for defensive units the overall organization First up, we will explain all of the combat stats for land units in HOI4. Recovery rate for offensive FMs, Reinforce rate for defensive ones. Logistics companies also make sense because you usually have larger distances between supply hubs in jungle regions. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army experience. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. It should be noted that organization is lost at a rate of -0. Custom Stats. Here you can see how the priority is weighted. Strength: is the orange bar and represents the combination of the equipment and manpower your units have vs its ideal condition. Jun 26, 2016 · Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. The preserve manpower you want more hardness and potentially feild hospitals. Sum of: Aug 30, 2023 · Recovery Rate: The recovery rate is the extent to which principal and accrued interest on a debt instrument that is in default can be recovered, expressed as a percentage of the instrument's face The same goes for their recovery bonus. This HOI4 path will see the Netherlands embrace a non-aligned leader and place its fate in the monarchy and its determination to resist any invaders. Army Wages. The goal is to keep your division's org above 30. It covers stats like speed, hit points, organization, recovery rate, reconnaissance, suppression, weight, supply use, reliability, and more. Planning is a buff that divisions accumulate when under orders. Im sure you are aware that any attack not being defended is 4x more likely to deal damage. 0 army_morale_factor Modifies the division recovery rate by a percentage. Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. NKVD is the more historical pick. Historically, this makes sense, as in WW2, military police were quite often responsible for preventing defeatism Dec 21, 2018 · 1-4-1-6 , Inflexible Strategist (Defense +1 Logistics +1) Infantry Leader +15% Infantry Division Defense. Soft Attack 0. The 8 combat width fits into all HOI4 combat province widths. When you look at your templates and see a number, that is their maximum amount of org. RELEASED SGc - Save Game Converter - converts save games to XML format for easy viewing in freeware XML viewers. 10 armor will defeat infantry initially. - Get military police and ensure safety in occupied territorries by having more military police than civillians. Blackwolfpt Jun 26, 2016 @ 4:39pm. You can even go Motorized, as they are faster than Cavalry, and use a little bit less supply (0. May 20, 2024 · Recovery Rate (RR): How much a division recovers organization hourly outside of combat. aka: Option #1. Equipment is the military hardware needed by units to operate and largely determines their stats. I find recovery to be less specifically desirable, the effects of having more recovery on a single division can be largely emulated/replaced by just having another division that is already full strength/org and send them into the battle while the first division takes a little bit more time recovering. This doctrine focuses on throwing shells, not men, at the enemy. There is a option of Cavalry if you want to be fast, but they use almost twice as more supply (0. Maybe radio makes also sense. Combat Stats. Whether you're fighting a border skirmish in rural China or battling for every inch on the Eastern Front, land combat is a vital and inevitable part of Hearts Of Iron 4. 6 for Seasoned, and 0. 00 Apr 26, 2024 · Recovery Rate – the speed at which Organization recovers out of combat. HP :Shows what percentage of equipment (and manpower; whichever is lowest) your division has left. TheTrashman235 Basically your units won’t enter the combat if it’s already ongoing, they’ll enter the reserves instead. Using this path, the Netherlands should be able to resist the Axis advance in HOI4 and lend its cause to the Allies as a staging ground for the An infantry division may only have a Breakthrouhg value of, say, 60, wheras a tank division may have a breakthrough level of anywhere from 200-500+. Useful only if the opponent has a lot of tanks. playing as russia in kaiserredux invading germany, whenever i move or use my divisions to attack they get attrition sometimes they get attrition even if it says "0% attrition", sometimes they have 120% attrition, so whenever i attack only one division joins the battle, its super annoying. But, you yourself ARE a major too by then! Or, at least a reasonable facsimile. I want to add support battalions but I don't want to lose recovery rate, since this is a modern tank division I often use them to blitz and quickly capitulate enemies before they can react but if I add battalions I'm worried they'll run out of org mid blitzkrieg. Hard Attack 0. in: Stubs, Laws. Specifically, they can introduce a separate "discipline" stat that: - Increase morale (division recovery rate), AND/OR. 09 daily Uribaldi Díaz Brittenberg Argentina: Close Air Support (Expert) Air Close Air Support Attack Factor: +3. It is base 2%, or a mtth of 35 hours. 在游戏开局的1936年,其强大的海军可称为国之重器,坐拥地中海中央的位置使其有机会控制整个地中海。. low recovery rate I'm playing Road to 56 Germany, and all my divisions have no organization, I checked the stats and it says I have a -0. Increase (or Decrease) the Organization Recovery Rate of Troops. Redirect to: Land battle#Reserves. For 40w, it's basically the same but doubled. Ties into your industry to. Apr 26, 2023 · Organization can also be increased through land doctrines, support companies, and properly supplying your troops. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. Oct 21, 2021 · This video answers the question: "What is recovery rate in Hearts of Iron 4?"Quick video tutorial explaining a core mechanic for hearts of Iron 4 who's ta Rate my armored division made to preserve my manpower (I don't have flame tank DLC) Ah yes, good old ww1 tactics. If I put the tank at 100 reliability, it the division overall I don't think would be above 85%. Both recovery and reinforce serve to maintain the org-wall by recycling your units much faster than the enemy can damage them and make them retreat. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. The Paullus Warband is able to form through a series of events, beginning with the Day of the Dead massacre, which occurs on October 26, 2275 in the Republic of the Rio Grande. 0 army_org_factor Modifies the army's organisation by a percentage. A division template may be specified as reserve, regular, or elite. So, overall, you just get huge buffs to your artillery. Reliability – Tells you AVERAGE reliability of all equipment in division, which determines recovery rate. Good starter division, but weaker than 40 width divisions in almost every situation. For 20w, between 5/5 and 7/3, depending on doctrine and how much you've researched (more tanks if more doctrine, less tanks if less doctrine). Charismatic (15% Division Recovery Rate) NEW CHOICES: Unyielding Defender, +10% Defense, increased chance of Counterattack. These will now increase the base org recovery rate of all infantry battalions by 20%. Jede Division besteht aus bis zu fünf Kampfregimentern und fünf Unterstützungsbataillonen. desert, jungle, marsh, and mountain): Up to 50% attrition. In the following situation, attrition will happen: Training: 5% attrition. May 31, 2023 · A support company with low usage outside of specific garrison templates, we wanted to give these slightly more utility within line divisions. 9 for Veteran. 2 per hour every time it is moves. Infantry Division 2. Secondly, I was talking about divisions with low coordination values, 5 and less. Our manpower is precious, bullets are cheap. 3: Percentual. Your unit's organization doesn't directly affect its combat effectiveness, it just affects how long the unit can fight and how much damage it can take before it stops fighting May 21, 2024 · Modifies the division recovery rate. During this period, the event "Paullus, the Red Wolf" will occur Mar 25, 2019 · They are absurdly cheap to produce needing only 500 infantry equipment. Organization may also be lost through attrition or lack of supply (reference Organization loss and Out of supply penalties). 1%. 1*manpower experience, the division will be Trained, 0. Template 2. (If none then both recovery + reinforce rate) The one that increases army slots to 7. Then accumulate 25 army exp, stop training, add 4 line art to this template, set it on high priority in division designer, and I like to rush the Supremacy of Will National Focus first as it gives a bonus slightly greater than having division attack, defense, and morale experts (an extra 2% recovery rate) for only 70 political power, so it's especially useful in the opening war as well as just being very strong in the following wars. May 7, 2024 · Political Power Gain: +5%, Air Experience Gain: +3%, Division Recovery Rate: +10%, War Support: +5%. It's just a number that indicates how much org a division regains out of combat per unit of time. Mar 19, 2024 · Medalla Combatiente Weychafe Pu Mapuche (Available when completed focus Avenge the Pacification of Araucanía ) Supply Consumption: -15%. 1: Basic 20 width \"10/0\" cav/cam/mot division. And doesn't really make sense as I thought the devs were trying to get away from that. Share. Since the recovery is averaged across the template, your infantry can share their recovery bonus with battalions that don't have as good recovery, like artillery, the same way you shared total org in your motorized division with the artillery. Breakthrough: +10%. For offensive units Recovery Rate is important. By Akfiz. The idea is to have the military police operate as a morale buff for divisions. ago. 36)轴心国(1939). Das Hinzufügen des ersten Bataillons zu einem Regiment kostet 25 EP. May 14, 2024 · Adding a battalion of a different unit type (infantry, mobile, or armored) adds a penalty of 20 XP per additional unit type. It is averaged for all regiments and support companies in a division. 10-0 support engineer/AA/arty - talk about cost effectiveness vs combat width efficiency compared to pure infantry. 1: Basic 40 width "14/4" offensive infantry. 0% The Templates. Reinforce rate add up so if you have 2 divisions waiting to join, average time until one of them reinforce drops to 25h. army_org = 10: Flat. Army Wages is one of the new laws added in Old world Blues. 无阵营(1. In addition, it's worth noting that tanks have very low Defense values (the ability of a unit to avoid damage while defending), about 1/4th of an infantry battalion. Retrieved from " ". Although I don’t know the math specifically off the top of my head here’s the community wiki on hoi4 reliability. Hardness is averaged over your divisions, so your foot infantry are lowering this. At 0. The battalion/company with the highest piercing will account for 30% of your piercing, so having one anti tank company/battalion or one tank destroyer in your divisions will go a long way. Recovery rate affects how quickly your divisions' organization returns when out of combat. A division is 1 basic unit depicted on the map during gameplay. See also: Naval units. -30% org recovery rate -20% combat modifier A speed reduction (heavy, not sure exactly how much) There is also the low supply modifier in combat, which gives -33% combat stats. BETA SGp - Save Game Parser - extracts statistics from SGc. Reconnaissance – stat that decides if the general of the army will counter the tactic of the enemy. Support Equipment is an example of a type of equipment. [1] Moving in rough Terrain (i. It decides how much currency is spent on maintaining the military, bringing minor bonuses at higher levels while destroying all military capability on the lower ones. This can be increased by having a strong infrastructure, having Patriarch Sergy (Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia: Stability: +10%, Division recovery rate: +10%, Compliance growth speed in our states occupied by the enemy: −15%) The focus required for each of the 2 below are mutually exclusive: For example I played a round of Kaiserreich, and as Austria I made a virtually unstoppable (for 1938-39) 25 width mountaineer division, and the enemy AI divisions couldn't pierce it at all. Your division's organization value is technically it's maximum organization value. Jedes Kampfregiment wiederum besteht aus bis zu fünf Bataillonen. - Increase max organization. Mar 30, 2020 · Reinforce rate - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. 100 pp Saul de Groot: Communist Revolutionary: Daily Communism Support: +0. Hearts of Iron 4 Division Calculator. If playing as the soviets, and assuming that you go mass assault, which is better at defending, the left tree or the right tree. Increase the Movement Speed of Troops. 10-0 pure infantry - Emphasize that it's a purely defensive template and will perform poorly on offense. army_morale = 10: Flat. A division may have any number of the same unit type for battalions, but only one of each unit type for support companies. army_org_factor = 0. Moving a division causes organization loss at the rate of -0. This is due to Carlés' Christmas Coup, which left the military in chaos. Combined with the massacre, the Texan Arms Association secedes from the Republic. Signals give extra planning speed and reinforce rate which will overwhelm an opponent. Military police would combine well with infantry since it increases their recovery rate in the latest update. It can be fairly important when dealing with enemy divisions that have very high stats, because a battle ends when you have no Coordination helps a division focus fire on a single target division. The higher the better. Feb 19, 2023 · Division Recovery Rate: +8. A division without organization cannot 阵营:. 0 unless otherwise noted. The production costs are fairly close in 1940, but supplying the Mass Assault division with Infantry Weapons 3 to keep a reasonable stat parity is very expensive in production and steel. I suggest you replace that support artillery with support anti-tank. 0%; Army Experience Gain: +0. pdf), Text File (. Oct 15, 2023 · Mobile Warfare is a focus on speed and maneuver to cut off and disorganize enemy forces. stub. Extensive planning and preparation before engaging in battle is the key to success. The Mass Assault division has the advantages of being cheaper in supply, superior in suppression (dubiously useful), and very much superior in recovery rate. If we are strictly speaking about defense and nothing else, mass assault wins hands down. Apart from Buenos Aires, Argentina is demilitarized so troops can't enter. But much like org, is lowered by other support companies and Basic Division #1 - Defensive Infantry 10-0. When you are in a fight, you have divisions who are engaged in combat and reserves who are sitting back. Calculated by the average of every unit. Argentina's army, called "Ejército Argentino", is restricted to a single marine division positioned in the capital of Argentina, the City of Buenos Aires. Easier difficulties apply bonuses to the player, while higher difficulties will apply penalties to the player as well as bonuses Feb 26, 2020 · HOI4 Tools SGr - Save Game Recorder - records, compresses, and archives autosave files in realtime, no game impact. (that 10 % Defense sounds good to tip the balance with nearly balanced opponents, but not if outclassed I would Jan 10, 2024 · If you spot a mistake, please help with fixing it. 3: Percentual Basically, you want to get as much soft attack as possible without compromising too much on defense, breakthrough and organization. Most of the time people play MP with a mod that makes division template changes free or cheap so the army XP consumption isn't a factor. Has completed focus Legacy of the "De Zeven Provincien Mutiny" 150 pp Walraven von Hall: Resistance Banker May 14, 2019 · Recommended Division Templates. Division Organization: Number with 1 decimal places army_org_factor: Division Organization army_org_regain: Army Organization Regain: Number with 2 decimal places org_loss_when_moving: Org Loss when Moving: Number with 1 decimal places army_morale: Division Recovery Rate army_morale_factor: Division Recovery Rate breakthrough: Breakthrough The Paullus Warband is a warband raider nation in the Mexico region. It gets unlocked by researching technologies and is produced by production lines. The default icon will show you what the division Unit Experience: Experience is tracked by the ratio of manpower to the division's total experience level. Recovery rate - refers to the rate organization is recovered per hour. This document discusses unit performance values in the game and their meanings. Division Recovery Rate: +5%. Stub. So every battalion adds the number to the type and the highest total sum indicates the division type. The only difference I can see in the favour of SF R/L is soft attack, hard attack, air superiority and defense (this is for a 1942 medium 13/7 division). 900 soft attack is way more than you need. txt) or read online for free. Their speed makes them easier to cycle around. Too much artillery. This comes at the cost of lower speed, breakthrough and recovery rate. CorpseFool. It's bonuses to tanks are ok, but org and recovery rate can't match the soft and hard attack offered by SF (and the extra breakthrough is useless). Reinforce rate is also an extremely important part of this, and it factors in heavily when people say small divisions defend better. Weather: Up to 70% attrition and +60% rate of air accidents. Use only when you can't afford better or as cannon fodder. • 6 yr. Feb 26, 2022 · Division Stats. Their reinforce rate is how quickly that unit will enter the combat (after someone has left I think) From my understanding it how quick your divs can keep their stocks up while in combat and recovering from it. 3 for Regular, 0. Medalla Meli Witran Mapu (Available when completed focus Avenge the Pacification of Araucanía ) Division Defense: +10%. Jun 1, 2019 · The NKVD branch now gives Subversive activities cost −50% and +5% Reinforce Rate. 2 Recovery Rate and +10% Soft Attack for Line Artillery, and +5% Coordination. Every doctrine gets that. Jan 30, 2024 · Dispersed Support will provide the player’s country with +10% Defense for Artillery, +0. For a division like this maintenance can be worth it to keep the expensive kit online In an MP game where the enemy also has divisions like this it can be worth it to add a few medium TD battalions. 35 recovery rate, >30 organization and >800 soft attack on a defense value as high as possible (typically >300). It provides typical May 15, 2020 · Any inherent trait related ones. This can be solved either by Carlés Regardless, if true - that a smaller division attacking a larger division focuses its attacks on one target - that seems really op. Overall I think Rehabilitated Military is now slightly better. Base Stats. 2 organization per hour (reference NMilitary HOURLY_ORG_MOVEMENT_IMPACT). Not sure if Adaptable counts towards acquirable trait limit. Once you go below 10 width though, you suffer -2% attack and defense for every division beyond the limit. If so, that 45% reliability shouldn't matter too much given that the division overall is still 80% reliable. As dozens and even hundreds of divisions clash over the fate of the world, having the right troops in the right place at the right time is essential for victory. It has a decent HP:IC ratio, and enough concentrated breakthrough and soft attack to really get you places. - Get cavalry recon because if you're genociding the humans might as well get the other form of organic life in the game. divisions get attrition when doing anything. Options-. Or you could be a little based and use the flame company and light recon. Large divisions use a lot of supply, tanks use fuel too, which can be reduced by 40% supply consumption and 20% fuel cost reduction with 1945 tech. The recovery rate is also high so they can be taken out and put back it sooner than a lot of other units. Some of them are self explanatory, so for those we will only provide a short description. 29 recovery, 521 SA, 316 HA, 411 DEF, 776 BRK The irony is that SF is the best doctrine for tanks (right left), while MW is the better doctrine for infantry. HOI4 Unit Compositions - Free download as PDF File (. Divisionsvorlage. 20s are generally considered better, but it's not mandatory. Once AI adds support AA or similar to divisions, it won't. Uses: If you're going to attack with infantry, this is the division to do it with. This page was last edited on 30 March 2020, at 04:32. Sep 8, 2023 · The Orange Above Route for the Netherlands in HOI4. 09 daily Thomas Martínez Argentina: Army Logistics (Expert) Division Attrition: -8. However, notice that any vehicles are susceptible to the increased attrition. 0 army_org Modifies the army's organisation. That % number depends on your reinforcement rate. Nov 20, 2018 · Division recovery rate (also called "morale" in the code and in previous titles) is the amount of organization recovered per hour. Out of supply: Up to 30% attrition. 意大利 是位于南欧的主要国家。. You can use motorised for 10% hardness, going to 20% once you have mech May 27, 2016 · With a reinforce rate of λ=0. Doctrine Changes We’re still working on exactly how these will look, but here’s a sample of what we have planned: Mar 28, 2023 · Recovery rate: The speed at which you regain organization outside of combat. Feb 22, 2024 · If you spot a mistake, please help with fixing it. First, army preparation. 10 recovery rate because I have exceeded the supply soft-cap of 0. Don't make them a lot. Sep 29, 2020 · Recovery Rate All divisions regenerate some org while not in combat at a fixed rate, the recovery rate is an addition to that regeneration. Reliability is a stat that effects military equipment like planes and tanks attrition modifiers. 11) but if you decide to go with them I'm looking at mass assault path doctrine right now. The reorg bonus isn't real - once you get recovery rate bonuses on your infantry, it actually subtracts, even accounting for the battalion bonus. Between 10/10 and 15/5, but 15/5 is pushing it pretty far and you'd only want to go that far if you're Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by Reinforce rate doesn't affect how fast a division gets equipment. For 40W the unquestionable king is Deep Battle which turns 14/4 into the magical 15/5/1, has a whooping +12% reinforcement rate so you almost can't get memed, -20% supply to make up for your larger . If something gives you 10% Army Org regain, it means the above example will become 0. Piercing is calculated party from the average piercing but a large portion comes from the battalion with the HIGHEST piercing in the whole unit. Modern tanks already have great soft attack, you don't need this much artillery. A unit can have nearly full equipment and low supply. This is because MW gives larger bonuses to organization. 20 width 8/1/1. if youre a rich kid you could also try going for 8infantry and 2 heavy sp art. Division Organization: +5%. 1. Jan 9, 2024 · See also: Air units. 3, which causes it to drain the recovery of most divs you place it in. Reserves have a % of joining the fight every hour. Signal companies are useful if you use large battleplans. 0%; Air Close Air Support Defence Factor: +3. Rhere are 3 things reliability does. Consider a signal company instead of that support artillery. Reinforce rate. HP 0. lt te jt zc bh ds js vp gx fd

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