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Shefa gold kulam

Shefa gold kulam. For I am in the fever of Love. That word — responsibility — makes a lot of sense if you understand it as the ability-to-respond. These are the tears of profound relief and of love unbound. Numbers25:10-30:1. Ki Tavo means “when you enter. Praise whittles me down to my essence, purifies me of trivialities, washes away my worries. ‏ . Moses accepts the challenge. The Korbanot were a powerful and effective means of engaging all of the senses, witnessing the power of Life and Death, and Cleaving to God — A Jewish Way of Prayer. I belong to The Whole. Becoming holy is, then realizing who we truly are. 08/22/2013 Alia Meira. When he came out from the Holy of Holies, the high Priest spoke the Great Name. Tzav directs us in the tending of that innermost fire. In this portion, Pinchas is rewarded for his actions and is given the covenant of Peace and eternal Priesthood for his descendants. IN RISING TO THIS CHALLENGE, we first remember our moments of disappointment, shame, loss, or Oct 30, 2006 · Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal and received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. The fragrance of that cave is what Abraham remembered when Sarah died. Im aylech b’kerev tzarah, t’chayayni. A Divine voice speaking through Existence. On Yom Kippur we trace the journey of the High Priest and see through his eyes. Lift up your head, oh you gates; lift them up you everlasting doors! (Psalm 24: 9) We are the gates: we are the doorways. The earth opens up and swallows the rebels whose firepans are beaten into coverings for the altar. GOD SAYS TO MOSES: “ Shelach Lekha ” (send for yourself) spies to scout out the Land. (Song of Songs 6:3) God as this world holds me in Her loving embrace. Broken dreams wash up within my reach. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney A sweet scent pervaded the cave. (Hosea 2:21-22, liturgy) Tefillin Practice: The Seven Channels of Commitment. that I am becoming. 3 Spirit Buddies by Rabbi Shefa Gold. Rise up YHVH, Save me, my God. I will hold the shell up to my ear. This translation was given to me by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, whose dedication to the holy work Tune adapted from Shefa Gold. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney Apr 1, 2013 · TORAH JOURNEYS:: The Inner Path to the Promised Land by Rabbi Shefa Gold (Oct 30, 2006) Rabbi Shefa Gold's new book, Torah Journeys, is a trip. Without the constancy of this fire, all of our sacrifices, our prayer, and our holy work would cease. Jun 16, 2006 · Ozi v’Zimrat Yah Vayahi li lishuah. Oh Pure Soul, in you I see endless possibility! (Liturgy) A rabbi-friend who is a hospital chaplain asked me to write a chant that she could sing to the tiny babies who were born prematurely and were struggling to come fully into their embodied life. Afterwards, a second census is taken of the Israelites. When God-the-Beloved says to us in the Song of Songs At the beginning of the portion God speaks to Moses, the prophet within us, and says, “ Bo! Come on in! I am waiting for you inside the heart of Pharaoh. Your fragrance will waft through the farthest garden. 4:4. Mailing address. When we are cut off from that flow, we become profoundly irritable. This moment of expansion is the result of Joseph’s Dec 21, 2020 · Daily Mindfulness Meditation 12. Our covenantal obligation binds us to pay careful attention to the details of service to Life and Love. My will to stay separate, distinct from the cosmos. God reminds us, “The land is Mine; it always has been and always will be. In facing Death, I open to receive the abundant Now. To receive information about KZoom sessions, sign up for the KZoom Chanting mailing list. It is like the dew that moistens Reality itself, making it supple, fragrant, alive and fluid. (Song of Songs 2:10) What if every relationship could be an opportunity for us to call each other into the realization of our full potential? What would it mean to let our gaze penetrate the façade of another and see through to reveal a glimmer of the core, authentic Divine essence; thereby sending that EKEV MEANS “because. Through awareness we wake up to the blessings that are THE BLESSING. I know the whole world as your face. Awareness transforms our practice from a series of spiritual experiences to the possibility of embodying, integrating and living the spiritual truths of Torah in ways that heal and unify our soul and our world. She teaches Jan 2, 2008 · L’takayn Olam b’malchut Shaddai. You can view relevant information Berakhot 40b:6. Va-eyra reveals to us two main obstacles to listening, and here our spiritual challenge is laid out. I sing to the force that is hidden in my depths and in the secret places of this world. Ozi v'zimrat Yah va'yehi li li'shu'ah • My strength and God's songFrom the Song at the Sea. For information about Love at the Center, see the Love at the Center page. Whenever we resort to the logic of “what’s mine is mine,” God reminds us that “All the Earth is Mine. " Rav said: He complied with the requirement [to say a blessing after eating]. (Psalm 30:13) This is a practice of devotion, of finding the glory inside and pouring it out to God. Healing the World through the Majesty of Nurture (Alaynu) These words are found in the prayer which is called “ Alaynu . This practice is the expressed realization that those moments of touching and being touched by Source allow goodness to flow in and become our own goodness. After facing the Infinite, the great Void, he had the power to heal and cleanse the people with one word. (2) She is blessed with a vision of God who appears as the living waters of life. Click HERE to download the Blessing for the Meditation To Dial In By Phone: Call any of these #s, then enter the Meeting ID when prompted: +1 646 558 8656 +1 312 626 6799 +1 669 900 9128 +1 253 215 8782 +1 301 715 8592 +1 346 248 7799 Meeting ID: 864 312 693. Ahavah Rabah Ahavtanu. We can only prepare for this mystery by becoming fully present, by accessing the fullness of Being in this moment, knowing that when we are called This dissertation revolves around a group of women rabbis and their experiences, between them Rabbi Shefa Gold. The body doesn’t lie. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney Rabbi David A Cooper, author of God is a Verb. (Psalm 7:18) When I chant, I can lift myself up into a soul perspective and enter into the highest level of perception of and communion with the One. Blow upon my garden. I gratefully acknowledge Your Face; Spirit lives and endures; You return my soul to me with compassion; How great is your faith in me! To hear a modah ani chant, use the audio player for each one. When I put my tefillin on each morning, I am connecting myself to the whole of life, to the Source of All, and TZAV BEGINS with the instructions for keeping a perpetual fire burning on the altar. Oct 23, 2023 · I open to your blessing. and with impeccability, and with love, and with compassion. In his book, Amazing Chesed, Rabbi Rami Shapiro defines Grace as, “God’s unlimited, unconditional, unconditioned, and all-inclusive love for all Creation. In the “tavern” I am claimed by Love. So too, this portion blesses us with a mission: Spy out the Land of our Rabbi Shefa Gold. (Psalm 138:7) As I cultivate resilience, I meet the obstacles of reactivity, overwhelm, alienation, despair and feeling cut off from my Source. Jewish Culture and History 8. (Psalm 118:22) The people who have been marginalized by our society seem to carry the voice of prophesy for us all. “She who dwells within us. SARAH TEACHES US the blessing of the fullness of life, the ripening of beauty. Apr 8, 2010 · Shehechiyanu, v’kiymanu, v’higiyanu lazman haZeh. With this stream of love, You make me known to myself. These words from the book of Deuteronomy speak to me about my three passions: for life, for wholeness and connection, and for the ability to be present in this moment. 85 $ 49. My Strength (balanced) with the Song of God will be my salvation (Psalm 118:14, Exodus 15:2) In this practice I find and express my strength, my will, my effort and desire when I chant “ Ozi . In the Fever of Love: An Illumination of the Song of Songs by Rabbi Shefa Gold (published by Ben Yehuda Press) Available in hardback or paperback in the online store. Dec 18, 2017 · Va’azamra Shaym-Havaya Elyon. $ 54. This commandment is the one that I hear, the one that guides me each day as I journey to Freedom. And it is our sacred responsibility to hold up our end. The first challenge to listening is “shortness of spirit. Only You, my Beloved Mysterious Infinite Void, can call. When I love, I build a palace. NOTE: Share this To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. Urging me towards balance, vitality and wholeness. She is the director of C-DEEP: The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico and around the world. Instead of just focusing on the content of my Life’s drama, I can glory in the The Torah of Behaalotecha reminds us that we journey forth in stages. I am with you. Song of Songs: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love November 3, 2020. Gold is a teacher of chant, Jewish mysticism, Jewish prayer and spirituality who Rabbi Mike Comins described in 2010 as "a pioneer in Calling Forth the Hidden Power: Kumah Adonai. I just want to stay in my integrity and follow that spirit of guidance that will show me the very next step. It is BECAUSE of that attention that we become present and receptive to the Great Flow of blessing. He steps out from behind the mask of power, the mask of the false self, and weeps aloud. This practice is one of the most powerful keys to mastery and to breaking the tyranny of the mind. Immediately lift this energy up to the high heart. Each of the twelve tribes sets up a rod marked with their name before the Tent of Meeting. We begin the week with an intention to listen for the call to When the stranger is banished, our opportunity for seeing God is squandered. com. It describes two amazing rituals enacted in that timeless moment of enlightenment. I am an integral aspect to Everything-that-is. The rigid separations of class and wealth are softened and dissolved. (Shehechiyanu) A Meditation on this Moment. Additional information. She is the director of C-DEEP, The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. This fire on the altar of our hearts is the pre-requisite for all spiritual practice. The heart of Pharaoh is inside you. It is a journey along an ancient and venerable Jewish pathway of spiritual and personal discovery. Through you and your descendents, all the families of the earth will be blessed. The concept of Grace is central to a Jewish Spiritual path. ) When the tide is low I search the beach. You that cleave to YHVH your God are alive, all of you, today — Deut. A rope was tied to his leg in case he couldn’t return. Apr 25, 2007 · Elohai n’shama she’natata bi t’hora hi. NOTE: No KZoom session on 6/6 nor 6/13. The blessing of Behar is the lesson that the process of accumulating wealth and of owning property is all an elaborate game. The blessing Abraham received was a glimpse of the very entranceway to paradise. Jan 2, 2008 · Rabbi Shefa has aligned the Shir HaShirim verses to the yearly Torah cycle. S’u Sh’arim roshaychem, u’s’u pitchay olam. Let my glory sing to You and not be silenced. Each message includes a commentary, at least one question to Its cushions of gold, Its couches of purple linen, And the daughters of Jerusalem. In the Fever of Love ©2008 Shefa Gold. 2 Rabbi Yehudah Leib Alter of Ger, Sefer Sefat Emet al ha-Torah u-Mo’adim, Lekh Lekha. THE MEDICINE that Vayikra gives us for the ‘dis-ease’ of our alienation from God is described in the language of Korbanot, the “sacrifices. And from the same root, Shechina …. Add to cart. But didn't Rav say: A brachah which contains no mention of the Divine Name is no brachah! What Benjamin must have said was: "Blessed is the Rabbi Shefa’s Practice for Troubled Times. Where I can finally surrender. May 23, 2024 · 3PM Hawaiian, 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central, and 8PM Eastern time. We must take with us the bones of Joseph. IN RECEIVING THE BLESSING of Vayera, we are both the one who And I want to become trustworthy, because when someone trusts me, they can receive that overflow. I sing with a bold demand and with a humble plea for that force to reveal itself. The path seems impossibly circuitous, doubling back on itself, spiraling around and through every place of darkness within us — untangling the residual knots of our enslavement. Tags: Bundle, Renewal, Torah. This is what Rabbi Shefa Gold has given us — the truthful, artful aiming at the soul within. Literally, Korbanot means “bringing ourselves near” again to God. Our thirst for Shechinah manifests as bitter complaint, negativity and the To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. Online KZoom chanting session. I offer flavors of praise — simple Hallelu-Yahs — as a practice of exaltation, of remembering, of returning to the heights and depths of our Divine inheritance. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney by Shefa Gold. Tune adapted from Shefa Gold. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney Presenter. Rabbi Arthur Waskow, co-author In Shemini the reason that is given for our quest for holiness is that we must become like God, our Source. With this practice, I first acknowledge, with With Rabbi Shefa Gold’s Flavors of Gratefulness app you can awaken to many dimensions of gratefulness with Modah Ani. The rule of practice is this: The awareness of a state magnifies its benefit. You need to change the way you do things. Let my lover come into his garden. It is like the rain that falls, giving Life to the Land. Before you begin, examine what it is that silences that glory…. An explosion of impulse. And taste its luscious fruit. It's not a trip through the scenic byways of northern New Mexico, or along Route 66. In the dark rays of the moon. The Flavors of Gratefulness App is available for iOS and Android. Hilulah, hilulah, hilulah, Halleluyah! Hilulah, hilulah, hilulah, Halleluyah! Let all souls praise Yah! (Psalm 150:6) The word Hilulah in modern Hebrew, means celebration. I won’t let the rivers overwhelm you, I will be with you. ‘Til the voice of God is all I hear. The winds of history and circumstance and coincidence will spread your essence, your song, your sigh, mixed with the pollens of desire, to the far corners of the world. When the soul loses its conscious connection with the infinite, then it is “in Egypt,” (in constriction). ALL THE SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE and blessings of Vayigash rest on a pivotal moment — the moment when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers. June 20. To be a Kabbalist is to become receptive to the flow of Grace. Psalm 46 says, “Nahar, p’lagav Feb 20, 2009 · 02/20/2009 Alia Meira. Mishkan means “dwelling place”. The purpose of the Mishkan is to send us to the space within where we can receive the Mystery of Presence. It is the place that has hardened — its outer shell cynical, and its inner Books. She leads workshops and retreats on Jun 4, 2023 · Rabbi Shefa has aligned the Shir HaShirim verses to the yearly Torah cycle. One Tap Mobile: +16465588656,,864312693# +13126266799,,864312693# To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. The part of my own psyche that has been rejected, likewise HA’AZINU BEGINS with Moses addressing Heaven and Earth, exclaiming the nature of Torah and the character of Divine blessing as it manifests in our world. Each message includes a commentary, at least one question to And his banner over me is Love. Apr 11, 2024 · Rabbi Shefa has aligned the Shir HaShirim verses to the yearly Torah cycle. The spiritual challenge of D’varim is to attain an expansive perspective on our lives in order to investigate the imprint of each defeat and each victory. Oh Mystery, Grace unfolding, Oh Miracle, it’s You alone, Oh Mystery, Grace unfolding, Oh Miracle, Who brings us Home. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney Jan 5, 2008 · Betrothal: V’Erestich-Li Olam. rabbishefagold . 05/22/2017 Alia Meira. When I chant “ v’zimrat Yah ,” I open and surrender to the God-song and let it be sung through me. The blessing of Vezot HaBrakha comes as we open to the Divine Presence in “This!”: this life, this step, this breath, this moment. The separation depends on having a community, relationship, or family who honor and trust the process. In a conversation author, composer and performer of spiritual music, Rabbi Shefa Gold discusses her enchantment with THE SONG OF SONGS, an “Initiation onto the Path of Love”. She composes and performs spiritual music, has produced 10 albums, and her liturgies have been published in several new prayer books. The people are commanded to set up Cities of. In moments when we touch the world of Atzilut, we feel close to the Source of All. I open to your blessing. For life, for the vitality that comes when I am connected May 9, 2012 · When you pass through the waters, I am with you, yes, I am with you. and lean into your wide embrace, When I walk through your open door. As we open to the possibility of receiving The practice for this week of Bechukotai is to perceive one state of consciousness from the vantage point of the other. As I chant, I dedicate myself as a Va’asuli Mikdash v’shochanti b’tocham. The next KZoom session is Thursday, May 30th at 3PM Hawaiian time, 5PM Pacific time, 6PM Mountain time, 7PM Central time, and 8PM Eastern times. “Build for me a holy place so that I might dwell within. In the Chasidic world, the term has come to mean a celebration in praise and honor of some great sage on the anniversary of their Jan 18, 2018 · The world is in flux and our lives are also changing moment to moment. forth and receive this infinite flow… through the vessel. Inhale into the heart with the intention of taking away that suffering. Even when I walk in the midst of trouble, you are giving me Life. Rumi was 13th Century Sufi Mystic. It comes near the end of the prayer service and is meant to energize us for our holy work. Sep 30, 2011 · Rabbi Barbara Thiede and guest Hazzan Katyah Gohr perform Rabbi Shefa Gold's "Elohai Neshama" at Temple Or Olam's Shacharit Rosh Hashanah service. ( Shir HaShirim 8:13) Facing Death, we receive Life in its fullness. We just don’t know. Listening is the first step in the process of liberation. God enters the World through us when we “lift up our heads”… when we raise our consciousness. ”. The old master of the wilderness watches how Moses lives, how he tries to do everything himself, and yet is never alone. Just as a great poem points us towards a truth that is beyond mere words, so the beauty that shines from the Mishkan of our lives illuminates the beyond that is within us. The rich and the poor meet again and remember that they are equal. She’hechazarta bi nishmati b’chemla, Raba Emunatecha. To receive weekly messages with verses from Shir HaShirim, click subscribe to be added to the Love at the Center mailing list. This is sometimes translated as “impatience Oct 8, 2014 · Judd Grossman 2014 Sep 9, 2011 · To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. On the participation of Shefa Gold in the Eshet Hazon ritual: Chava Weissler,‘Women of Vision’ in the Jewish Renewal Movement: The Eshet Hazon [‘Woman of Vision’] Ceremony. “The very word “torah” is from the ancient Hebrew vocabulary of archery. Jun 23, 2016 · Celebration in Praise: Kol Ha’n’shama. When available, you can listen to the chants, print them out, study the text in context, and be curious about the medicine in preparation for the KZoom session. Shochanti means “I will dwell. Sep 17, 2020 · Arise My Friend. At the moment of deepest desapir, “God opened her eyes. Is it self-doubt, living in your head, being distracted, unforgiving or Numbers22:2-25:9. It held the well-preserved legacy of his ancestors. Through praise, I remember who I am and what my life is for. The JPS Bible Commentary: The Song of Songs with commentary by Michael Fishbane. Click to see Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9 in Hebrew with the English JPS (1985) translation. And then you will know God. The portion of Terumah begins with the invitation to explore and Mar 21, 2022 · PATROCINADORES. (Bamidbar 21:17) After the prophet Miriam dies, the people are thirsty. I will sing praise so that I may know the highest Essence of Divine Existence. (Balak) This Torah portion tells the story of a prophet named Bil’am hired by King Balak to curse the Israelites. Evven ma’asu habonim ha’y’tah l’rosh pinah. Not-knowing can be terrifying and yet it also holds the infinite potential of our power and creativity. There “I” am finally defeated. Oct 9, 2022 · The world that is closest to God is called Atzilut, which means nearness. Three books from Rabbi Shefa Gold at one discounted price: Torah Journeys on the weekly Torah portion, In The Fever of Love on the Song of Songs, and Are We There Yet on travel as a spiritual practice. In the end Bil’am blesses the Israelites with the words “Mah Tovu. After blessing us with these succulent We are given the assignment of being God’s ears as we listen for and respond to the cries of the poor and oppressed. and let its spices stream out. And that wondrous mystery I call God is central to all I see, all I do, all I know, all I am. ( Exodus 13:19) The Hebrew word for bones also means “essence. Wake up each day to fuel the intention ( kavanah) to see and recognize God’s Face in the details of the upcoming day. Oct 30, 2006 · Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal and received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. This Torah portion tells the story of Korach who led a rebellion against Moses during the journey through the wilderness. You sit alone and yet people are around you all the time. I open to your love, I open to your blessing. These sacred ceremonies are performed in “ritual space,” which is a kind of dream-time, so that their power and blessing can enter our ordinary waking consciousness. 95. Rise up, Oh Well, Chant Her up. The spiritual challenge of Tazria/Metzora is to know when to separate yourself from the community and to know how to return. 2020 with Rabbi Shefa Gold. The challenge we are given as we receive Torah is to step right in to the conversation midstream. When I encounter this word, I Your Light that illuminates and dazzles me; Your Warmth that comforts me. 3 (2006): 62-86. Rabbi Shefa Gold, a leader in ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, is director of the Center for Devotional Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. Mishpat is usually translated as “rule,” “judgment,” or “ordinance. The Stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. inlaid it with love. This means that they understand the process of retreat as necessary and valuable to the life of the community. Website. IN BESHALLACH WE ARE SENT on a journey of purification. Jul 20, 2016 · Ali v’er ehnu-lah. You’re wearing yourself down with this life of yours. It is then possible to learn from those experiences and turn them into wisdom for the journey. Yitro says, “This is crazy. the Prophet in Israelite society. Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in ALEPH: the Alliance for Jewish Renewal and received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (z”l). (Judges) Shoftim defines the status and function of Judges, the King, the Priests, and. I belong. Let me hear it now!”. Over time this practice helps us to cultivate a powerful observer within. Website content ©2014-24 Rabbi Shefa Gold Tallit image ©1998 by Kit Hevron Mahoney Opening to Grace. go to yourself…. There is a blessing that is said whenever we realize the miracle of this present moment. Y’zamercha chavod v’lo yidom. Aug 22, 2013 · The Cornerstone: Evven ma’asu. My idea of leadership is staying true to my own soul’s purpose and inspiration. (Isaiah 43:2) The Waters represent the times of transition, as we pass from slavery to freedom, from womb through birth into our lives, from life through death into the Sea of Oneness or into the embrace of The Beloved. Deuteronomy16:18-21:9. Miketz reminds us how we got there, how we got stuck, how we got lost in the illusion of a limited To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. Benjamin the shepherd folded bread [and ate it] and said [in Aramaic], "Blessed is the Master of this bread. Apr 2, 2020 · Rabbi Shefa Gold. As I purify this impulse and listen. As I lay down my fear of Death, my In the language of the soul, enslavement is the process of incarnation and the complete identification of ego with the material world. Yet in this defeat, God finds victory within me. Pinchas is a zealous priest who kills a Midianite woman and her Israelite lover at the entranceway to the Tent of Meeting. This prophet-for-hire has an amazing adventure which includes listening to his talking donkey and encountering angels. (This is an amazing compilation of Jewish sources that have shaped the way the way we have At the center of our liturgy is the prayer that says, “Listen! Sh’ma!”. Oct 29, 2020 · To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. I learned this text from Rabbi Art Green. At each stage and with each step of the journey, we are offered the light of the golden Menorah to infuse our consciousness, open our eyes and illuminate the way forward. I open to your love, I receive your firm support. It means not the bull’s eye, not the archer, not the arrow, but the process of aiming. The ability to see God passes instead to the stranger, to Hagar. www . 21. Yet the palace of this love withstands every storm, every earth-quaking change. She represents our connection to the deep source of Divine Feminine Flow. To the farthest star; I am a microcosm of the Universe. (Psalm 3:8) With this practice, I call forth the hidden power. I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine. It is BECAUSE of our remembrance of God-Shining-Out-From-the-Center-of-All-Things, that we can truly experience Modah ani l’fanecha, Ruach chai v’kayam. Relationships come and go through the ruin of divorce, the tragedy of Death, the misunderstandings that come with being human. Shefa Gold (born 1954 or 1955) [1] is an American rabbi, scholar, and Director of the Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice (C-DEEP) in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. PROPHECY: COVENANT: 1 The Illuminated Rumi by Coleman Barks (Broadway Books, 1997). The miracle of Revelation happens in the conversation. And obey…. It is the place that has grown heavy with the weight of life’s experience. The spies sent by Moses return both enraptured by the land and terrified at the prospect of making their permanent home in that elevated state of consciousness. Upcoming Session. Through praise I am transformed. C-DEEP Post Office Box 430 Jemez Springs, NM 87025 answer us, answer us. Refuge where someone who has killed accidentally can find sanctuary. I never know whether others will understand or come with me. I will betroth you to Me in faith. Here is the simple practice that is informed by these four amazing tools: To a count of 4, inhale (through the nose) the suffering of the world (both generally and specifically). “Let me hear it now!”. Tras la inauguración en el mes de noviembre del primer puesto de testeo de oro aluvial en el país por el presidente Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, el pasado sábado, la empresa Shefa Gold presentó ante las autoridades ecuatoguineanas, la primera producción de oro aluvial obtenida en la fase de testeo en la zona minera de Binguengueng. When I imagined singing these words to them, I Jan 9, 2010 · Sunday. And at each stage we are commanded to hear the beautiful clear sounds of the silver trumpets that call us To read Rabbi Shefa's midrash for a portion online, visit the Torah portions calendar. Towards the end of Shemini we are given this spiritual challenge: I am YHVH (the Ground of Being) your God; Sanctify yourselves and be holy. Kulam Ahuvim, Kulam B’rurim, Kulam Giborim All Love, All Clarity, All Power Rabbi Shefa Gold lam Clar- - 1 Clar- - 1 ru - ru - All All Melody Harmony lam All May 22, 2017 · Resilience: Im aylech. fm un vf pb ng mg lz md ha qn